开源软件名称:staple开源软件地址:https://gitee.com/iwares/staple开源软件介绍:StapleStaple is a handset SPA(single page web appliction) framework bases on Babel and RequireJS. It implements complete page load/navigation logic and many other details, so developers can focus on their business. At the same time, object-oriented programming style makes code clean and maintainable. Staple can work with many other js libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery and bootstrap. Also, Staple is a perfect companion of Cordova to create a native-like App. Staple是一个专为移动设备设计的SPA(单页面Web应用)开发框架。Staple解决了SPA应用开发过程中的许多细节问题,以便于让开发者专注与实际业务逻辑的开发。Staple基于Babel和RequireJS构建,提供了一种面向对象的、模块化的开发方式,使得的代码更易阅读和维护。Staple被设计成一个单纯的SPA框架,因此能很好的与其它JS框架集成,例如jQuery,Bootstrap等。另外,Staple可以与Cordova完美结合来开发接近原生体验的App。以下是Staple的主要特性: Features:
Install Staple 安装StapleInstall Staple via npm: 通过npm来安装Staple: $ npm install -g staple.js How to start 如何开始Create a new folder. 创建一个新的文件夹。 $ mkdir /some/path/to/your/project$ cd /some/path/to/your/project Create a new project via "staple.js" CLI. 通过“staple.js”命令行工具来创建一个新项目 $ staple.js initproject name: (project) stapledemoversion: (1.0.0) 1.0.0description: A staple project demo.author: Eric.Tsaiuse jquery: (yes) yesuse art template: (yes) yesuse weui: (yes) yesuse typescript: (yes) yescreating project "stapledemo" ...done.run "npm install" to install dependencies.then run "npm start" to start. There are 4 options: jQuery, artTemplate, WeUI and TypeScript. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript framework that makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler.artTemplate is an effective HTML render framework.WeUI is the official UI framework of the WeChat app.TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. You can disable any of them by setting corresponding option to "no". 创建项目时有4个可选项:jQuery,artTemplate,WeUI和TypeScript. jQuery是最流行的JavaScript框架,可以使HTML文档遍历和操作,事件处理,动画以及Ajax等工作更简便。artTemplate是一个高效的HTML渲染框架。WeUI是微信官方的UI框架。TypeScript是一个强类型的JavaScript超集,可以被编译成JavaScript。 你可以把对应的选项设置为“no”来关闭以上的任何一个特性。 Install dependencies: 安装依赖项: $ npm install Start project: 启动项目 $ npm start License 许可证Apache License, Version 2.0 |