我正在使用苹果的 HealthKit sample但是,iPhone 中 Health app 中显示的 resting energy 值与示例应用中获取的值不匹配。
根据苹果文档,HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBasalEnergyBurned 代表 resting energy 所以我从 HealthKit 中获取了这个值,但我收到的值与 resting 不匹配健康应用中显示的能量。
于是我偶然发现了苹果的HealthKit sample他们根据公式计算静息能量:
// Calculates the user's total basal (resting) energy burn based off of their height, weight, age,
// and biological sex. If there is not enough information, return an error.
private func fetchTotalBasalBurn(completion: @escaping (HKQuantity?, Error?) -> Void)
let todayPredicate: NSPredicate = self.predicateForSamplesToday()
let weightType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bodyMass)!
let heightType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.height)!
let queryWeigth: HKCompletionHandle = {
(weight, error) -> Void in
guard let weight = weight else {
completion(nil, error)
let queryHeigth: HKCompletionHandle = {
(height, error) -> Void in
if height == nil {
completion(nil, error)
var dateOfBirth: Date!
do {
dateOfBirth = try self.healthStore!.dateOfBirth()
} catch {
completion(nil, error)
var biologicalSexObjet: HKBiologicalSexObject!
do {
biologicalSexObjet = try self.healthStore!.biologicalSex()
} catch {
completion(nil, error)
// Once we have pulled all of the information without errors, calculate the user's total basal energy burn
let basalEnergyButn: HKQuantity? = self.calculateBasalBurnTodayFromWeight(weight, height: height, dateOfBirth: dateOfBirth!, biologicalSex: biologicalSexObjet)
completion(basalEnergyButn, nil)
if let healthStore = self.healthStore {
healthStore.mostRecentQuantitySample(ofType: heightType, predicate: todayPredicate, completion: queryHeigth)
if let healthStore = self.healthStore {
healthStore.mostRecentQuantitySample(ofType: weightType, predicate: nil, completion: queryWeigth)
private func calculateBasalBurnTodayFromWeight(_ weight: HKQuantity?, height: HKQuantity?, dateOfBirth: Date, biologicalSex: HKBiologicalSexObject) -> HKQuantity?
// Only calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) if we have enough information about the user
guard let weight = weight, let height = height else {
return nil
// Note the difference between calling +unitFromString: vs creating a unit from a string with
// a given prefix. Both of these are equally valid, however one may be more convenient for a given
// use case.
let heightInCentimeters: Double = height.doubleValue(for: HKUnit(from:"cm"))
let weightInKilograms: Double = weight.doubleValue(for: HKUnit.gramUnit(with: HKMetricPrefix.kilo))
let nowDate = Date()
let ageComponents: DateComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([Calendar.Component.year], from: dateOfBirth, to: nowDate)
let ageInYears: Int = ageComponents.year!
// BMR is calculated in kilocalories per day.
let BMR: Double = self.calculateBMRFromWeight(weightInKilograms: weightInKilograms, height: heightInCentimeters, age: ageInYears, biologicalSex: biologicalSex.biologicalSex)
// Figure out how much of today has completed so we know how many kilocalories the user has burned.
let (startOfToday, endOfToday): (Date, Date) = self.datesFromToday()
let secondsInDay: TimeInterval = endOfToday.timeIntervalSince(startOfToday)
let percentOfDayComplete: Double = nowDate.timeIntervalSince(startOfToday) / secondsInDay
let kilocaloriesBurned: Double = BMR * percentOfDayComplete
let basalBurn = HKQuantity(unit: HKUnit.kilocalorie(), doubleValue: kilocaloriesBurned)
return basalBurn
/// Returns BMR value in kilocalories per day. Note that there are different ways of calculating the
/// BMR. In this example we chose an arbitrary function to calculate BMR based on weight, height, age,
/// and biological sex.
private func calculateBMRFromWeight(weightInKilograms: Double, height heightInCentimeters: Double, age ageInYears: Int, biologicalSex: HKBiologicalSex) -> Double
var BMR: Double = 0
if biologicalSex == .male {
BMR = 66.0 + (13.8 * weightInKilograms) + (5.0 * heightInCentimeters) - (6.8 * Double(ageInYears))
return BMR
BMR = 655 + (9.6 * weightInKilograms) + (1.8 * heightInCentimeters) - (4.7 * Double(ageInYears))
return BMR
谁能告诉我如何获取静息能量或Health App使用什么计算来找到静息能量?
如果有人可以给我一些指示,那就太好了,我对 HealthKit 还是很陌生。
Apple 的示例似乎已过时。从 iOS 8 和 watchOS 2 开始,可以调用检索此信息的方式与检索事件卡路里的方式相同;只需更改标识符。 Apple Documentation
HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.basalEnergyBurned)
关于ios - 如何从 HealthKit 中获取与 Health App 的值相同的静息能量值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50003294/
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