
标题: ios - 如何在启动时调试 iOS 应用程序崩溃,仅在程序集文件中设置断点 [打印本页]

作者: 菜鸟教程小白    时间: 2022-12-13 09:09
标题: ios - 如何在启动时调试 iOS 应用程序崩溃,仅在程序集文件中设置断点

我正面临一个当前正在开发的应用的问题。 问题是应用程序在启动时在后台运行了一段时间后崩溃,并且仅在这种情况下。 在应用程序被杀死时启动应用程序不会导致从调试器或手机崩溃。 在后台启动应用程序大约 5-10 分钟不会导致崩溃,无论是否调试。 在后台启动应用程序大约 15-20 分钟会导致崩溃。在异常上使用调试器和断点给了我这个文件:

0x349c6ce4:  push   {r4, r5, r7, lr}
0x349c6ce6:  add    r7, sp, #0x8
0x349c6ce8:  sub    sp, #0xc
0x349c6cea:  movw   r5, #0x7810
0x349c6cee:  mov    r4, r0
0x349c6cf0:  movt   r5, #0x1
0x349c6cf4:  movw   r12, #0x7af0
0x349c6cf8:  movt   r12, #0x1
0x349c6cfc:  movw   r9, #0x7a83
0x349c6d00:  movt   r9, #0x1
0x349c6d04:  ldr    r0, [r4, #0x48]
0x349c6d06:  movw   r2, #0x7a93
0x349c6d0a:  movt   r2, #0x1
0x349c6d0e:  movw   r3, #0x7af5
0x349c6d12:  movt   r3, #0x1
0x349c6d16:  add    r5, pc
0x349c6d18:  cmp    r0, #0x0
0x349c6d1a:  it     ne
0x349c6d1c:  movne  r5, r0
0x349c6d1e:  add    r12, pc
0x349c6d20:  add    r9, pc
0x349c6d22:  add    r3, pc
0x349c6d24:  cmp    r1, #0x0
0x349c6d26:  add    r2, pc
0x349c6d28:  strd   r4, r5, [sp]
0x349c6d2c:  it     ne
0x349c6d2e:  movne  r3, r12
0x349c6d30:  add    r0, sp, #0x8
0x349c6d32:  mov    r1, r9
0x349c6d34:  blx    0x349dda4c                ; symbol stub for: -[OS_object retainWeakReference]
0x349c6d38:  movw   r0, #0x7ae0
0x349c6d3c:  movt   r0, #0x1
0x349c6d40:  ldr    r1, [sp, #0x8]
0x349c6d42:  add    r0, pc
0x349c6d44:  bl     0x349c65cc                ; _dispatch_log
0x349c6d48:  trap   
0x349c6d4a:  nop    

调试器在陷阱行上中断,就在结尾的 nop 之前:

Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT, subcode=0xdefe)



编辑:这是带有堆栈跟踪的崩溃日志(我将设备名称替换为 DeviceName,将应用名称和公司名称替换​​为 com.company.myAppName):

Sep 22 11:36:31 DeviceName locationd[63] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Sep 22 11:36:31 DeviceName myAppName[6750] <Warning>: *** Assertion failure in -[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:], /SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-97/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:221
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName myAppName[6750] <Notice>: BUG in client of libdispatch: Assertion failed: Block was run on an unexpected queue
    Expected queue: 0x0x3713cd40[com.apple.main-thread]
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, D03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument)
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 6750
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName diagnosticd[5999] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 6750, punique: 6750
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process myAppName[6750]
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName SpringBoard[2836] <Warning>: BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection invalid
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName wifid[68] <Notice>: WiFi:[433071392.290519]: BG Application: Not Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: lockdownd networkd assistantd 
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.company.myAppName[0x3ff0][6750]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Not saving crash log because we have reached the limit for logs to store on disk.  Sync or otherwise clear logs from /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter to save new logs.
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Could not save crash report to disk!
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName SpringBoard[2836] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.company.myAppName[0x3ff0]' crashed.
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName assertiond[57] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x145437b0; com.company.myAppName; pid: 6750> to 2, priority: No such process
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName assertiond[57] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x145437b0; com.company.myAppName; pid: 6750> to 4096, priority: No such process
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Incident Identifier: DF8D30C9-4F46-43CB-B192-323E819180A6
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: CrashReporter Key:   a93a18a1167cbedc4b3623154bd083fdd7770808
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Hardware Model:      iPhone5,2
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Process:             myAppName [6750]
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Path:                /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DE60F941-317E-49C2-95EA-0F152A117C16/myAppName.app/myAppName
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName UserEventAgent[17] <Warning>: id=com.company.myAppName pid=6750, state=0
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName backboardd[56] <Warning>: Unable to bootstrap_look_up port with name com.company.myAppName.gsEvents: unknown error code (1102)
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Identifier:          myAppName
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Version:             ???
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Code Type:           ARM (Native)
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Parent Process:      launchd [1]
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Date/Time:           2014-09-22 11:36:32.054 +0200
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Launch Time:         2014-09-22 11:25:29.726 +0200
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: OS Version:          iOS 8.0 (12A365)
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Report Version:      105
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000000defe
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Triggered by Thread:  0
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Last Exception Backtrace:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: (0x26db3e3a 0x34461c86 0x26db3d10 0x27a845aa 0x2b8bf8c8 0x349c8b64 0x2b8bf832 0x2a7c7ba8 0x349c18c6 0x349c18b2 0x349c50ba 0x26d79be4 0x26d782e4 0x26cc661c 0x26cc642e 0x2e0740a4 0x2a2b0804 0xcee48 0x349e1aaa)
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 0 Crashed:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c6d48 0x349c0000 + 27976
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c4be4 0x349c0000 + 19428
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   FrontBoardServices                0x2d4e7830 0x2d4df000 + 34864
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 3   FrontBoardServices                0x2d4f40e6 0x2d4df000 + 86246
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName SpringBoard[2836] <Warning>: Unable to deliver -[UIRemoteApplication showTopMostMiniAlertWithSynchronizationPort:] message to port 0: (ipc/send) invalid destination port
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 4   CoreFoundation                    0x26d7a5b2 0x26cae000 + 837042
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 5   CoreFoundation                    0x26d79874 0x26cae000 + 833652
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 6   CoreFoundation                    0x26d77ff6 0x26cae000 + 827382
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 7   CoreFoundation                    0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 8   CoreFoundation                    0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 9   myAppName                         0x00177f72 0x4f000 + 1216370
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 10  CoreFoundation                    0x26db416c 0x26cae000 + 1073516
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 11  libobjc.A.dylib                   0x34461f10 0x3445b000 + 28432
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 12  libc++abi.dylib                   0x33d9ade0 0x33d83000 + 97760
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 13  libc++abi.dylib                   0x33d9a5a4 0x33d83000 + 95652
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName locationd[63] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 14  libobjc.A.dylib                   0x34461d5a 0x3445b000 + 27994
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 15  CoreFoundation                    0x26db3d10 0x26cae000 + 1072400
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 16  Foundation                        0x27a845aa 0x279f2000 + 599466
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 17  BaseBoard                         0x2b8bf8c8 0x2b89b000 + 149704
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 18  libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c8b64 0x349c0000 + 35684
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 19  BaseBoard                         0x2b8bf832 0x2b89b000 + 149554
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 20  UIKit                             0x2a7c7ba8 0x2a242000 + 5790632
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 21  libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c18c8 0x349c0000 + 6344
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 22  libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c18b4 0x349c0000 + 6324
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 23  libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c50ba 0x349c0000 + 20666
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 24  CoreFoundation                    0x26d79be4 0x26cae000 + 834532
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 25  CoreFoundation                    0x26d782e4 0x26cae000 + 828132
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 26  CoreFoundation                    0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 27  CoreFoundation                    0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 28  GraphicsServices                  0x2e0740a4 0x2e06b000 + 37028
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 29  UIKit                             0x2a2b0804 0x2a242000 + 452612
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 30  myAppName                         0x000cee48 0x4f000 + 523848
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 31  libdyld.dylib                     0x349e1aac 0x349e0000 + 6828
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 1 name:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 1:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34a942a0 0x34a93000 + 4768
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libdispatch.dylib                 0x349cd9fc 0x349c0000 + 55804
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c331e 0x349c0000 + 13086
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 2 name:  GAIThread  Dispatch queue: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 0x15582b60
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 2:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa9388 0x34a93000 + 91016
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x347e4164 0x3474b000 + 627044
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x3479334a 0x3474b000 + 295754
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 3   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x347d2544 0x3474b000 + 554308
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 4   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x347d1e54 0x3474b000 + 552532
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 5   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x34792f8e 0x3474b000 + 294798
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 6   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x34787c72 0x3474b000 + 248946
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 7   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x347657dc 0x3474b000 + 108508
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 8   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x34783f10 0x3474b000 + 233232
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 9   libsqlite3.dylib                  0x34778ed6 0x3474b000 + 188118
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 10  CoreData                          0x26ab7ab8 0x26aa2000 + 88760
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 11  CoreData                          0x26af0d92 0x26aa2000 + 322962
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 12  CoreData                          0x26b87110 0x26aa2000 + 938256
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 13  CoreData                          0x26b6c3ac 0x26aa2000 + 828332
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 14  CoreData                          0x26b717c8 0x26aa2000 + 849864
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 15  libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c18b4 0x349c0000 + 6324
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 16  libdispatch.dylib                 0x349c8b64 0x349c0000 + 35684
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 17  CoreData                          0x26b65302 0x26aa2000 + 799490
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 18  CoreData                          0x26b6bf9a 0x26aa2000 + 827290
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 19  CoreData                          0x26b3d5be 0x26aa2000 + 636350
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 20  myAppName                         0x0017312c 0x4f000 + 1196332
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 21  myAppName                         0x00171c46 0x4f000 + 1190982
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 22  myAppName                         0x00172fe2 0x4f000 + 1196002
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 23  myAppName                         0x0017d77e 0x4f000 + 1238910
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 24  myAppName                         0x0017e9ee 0x4f000 + 1243630
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 25  myAppName                         0x0017e7ec 0x4f000 + 1243116
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 26  Foundation                        0x27ac359a 0x279f2000 + 857498
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 27  CoreFoundation                    0x26d7a58c 0x26cae000 + 837004
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 28  CoreFoundation                    0x26d7999a 0x26cae000 + 833946
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 29  CoreFoundation                    0x26d78000 0x26cae000 + 827392
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 30  CoreFoundation                    0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 31  CoreFoundation                    0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 32  Foundation                        0x279fe428 0x279f2000 + 50216
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 33  Foundation                        0x27a4c8e8 0x279f2000 + 370920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 34  myAppName                         0x0016f678 0x4f000 + 1181304
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 35  Foundation                        0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 36  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 37  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 38  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 3:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa7b38 0x34a93000 + 84792
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b243f4 0x34b22000 + 9204
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b252d8 0x34b22000 + 13016
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 3   Foundation                        0x27a48f62 0x279f2000 + 356194
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 4   myAppName                         0x0011f036 0x4f000 + 852022
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 5   Foundation                        0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 6   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 7   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 8   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 4:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 5 name:  PF_AFNetworking
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 5:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34a944f0 0x34a93000 + 5360
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34a942e4 0x34a93000 + 4836
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   CoreFoundation                    0x26d79b4e 0x26cae000 + 834382
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 3   CoreFoundation                    0x26d780f4 0x26cae000 + 827636
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 4   CoreFoundation                    0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 5   CoreFoundation                    0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 6   Foundation                        0x279fe428 0x279f2000 + 50216
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 7   Foundation                        0x27a4c8e8 0x279f2000 + 370920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 8   myAppName                         0x001317ee 0x4f000 + 927726
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 9   Foundation                        0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 10  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 11  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 12  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 6 name:  com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 6:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34a944f0 0x34a93000 + 5360
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34a942e4 0x34a93000 + 4836
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   CoreFoundation                    0x26d79b4e 0x26cae000 + 834382
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 3   CoreFoundation                    0x26d780f4 0x26cae000 + 827636
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 4   CoreFoundation                    0x26cc661c 0x26cae000 + 99868
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 5   CoreFoundation                    0x26cc642e 0x26cae000 + 99374
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 6   CFNetwork                         0x2687f3da 0x26803000 + 508890
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 7   Foundation                        0x27ac3386 0x279f2000 + 856966
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 8   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 9   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 10  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 7 name:  com.apple.CFSocket.private
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 7:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa808c 0x34a93000 + 86156
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   CoreFoundation                    0x26d7e31a 0x26cae000 + 852762
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e90 0x34b22000 + 11920
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 3   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b24e02 0x34b22000 + 11778
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 4   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b8c 0x34b22000 + 2956
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 8:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 9:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 10:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 11:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 12:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x34aa89cc 0x34a93000 + 88524
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22ea8 0x34b22000 + 3752
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x34b22b80 0x34b22000 + 2944
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (32-bit):
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>:     r0: 0x0056c500    r1: 0x00000000      r2: 0x156a7a00      r3: 0x00000fff
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>:     r4: 0x3713cd40    r5: 0x349de338      r6: 0x352bfca8      r7: 0x005622e8
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>:     r8: 0x155c4610    r9: 0x156a8000     r10: 0x155c4610     r11: 0x156cb5f0
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>:     ip: 0x37154124    sp: 0x005622d4      lr: 0x349c6d49      pc: 0x349c6d48
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>:   cpsr: 0x60000030
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: Binary Images:
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0x4f000 - 0x2eefff myAppName armv7  <8d48834e6e563ba08bd970b675b2c2b1> /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DE60F941-317E-49C2-95EA-0F152A117C16/myAppName.app/myAppName
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0x1fed6000 - 0x1fef9fff dyld armv7s  <fd3fef9c43c9382e8e46d5d59fb52f86> /usr/lib/dyld
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0x25852000 - 0x259befff AVFoundation armv7s  <291c7a621b65396491697e7a7f728b16> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation
Sep 22 11:36:32 DeviceName ReportCrash[6766] <Error>: 0x259bf000 - 0x25a1dfff libAVFAudio.dylib armv7s  <1b452a7a75513cf9aa82e59feb7eef33> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/libAVFAudio.dylib
A lot of lines like the previous one

Best Answer-推荐答案

查看此错误消息。 iOS SDK 中的断言检查似乎失败。

*** Assertion failure in -[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:], /SourceCache/BaseBoard/BaseBoard-97/BaseBoard/BSAction.m:221
BUG in client of libdispatch: Assertion failed: Block was run on an unexpected queue
Expected queue: 0x0x3713cd40[com.apple.main-thread]

断言确实检查了指定的 block 是否会在正确的调度队列上运行。从断言消息和堆栈跟踪中,-[UIFetchContentInBackgroundAction sendResponse:] 使用 dispatch_assert_queue检查应用程序代码是否正确使用 block 的主队列。


关于ios - 如何在启动时调试 iOS 应用程序崩溃,仅在程序集文件中设置断点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25992205/

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