
标题: iphone - 如何在Objective-C中一个数字中的部分较少的版本号上使用比较? [打印本页]

作者: 菜鸟教程小白    时间: 2022-12-13 16:12
标题: iphone - 如何在Objective-C中一个数字中的部分较少的版本号上使用比较?

我在 http://snipplr.com/view/2771 找到了以下代码

这非常好,几乎正是我想要的,但是如果我使用值 @"1.4.5", @"10.4" 它会产生错误的结果,说第一个数字较低。

Arghhhh 深夜编码,抱歉,我将 10.4 读作 1.4

我不确定为什么 compare 有问题,问题是什么?

 * compareVersions(@"10.4",             @"10.3"); //             
       returns NSOrderedDescending (1) - aka first number is higher

 * compareVersions(@"10.5",             @"10.5.0"); //           
       returns NSOrderedSame (0) 

 * compareVersions(@"10.4 Build 8L127", @"10.4 Build 8P135"); // 
       returns NSOrderedAscending (-1) - aka first number is lower
NSComparisonResult compareVersions(NSString* leftVersion, NSString* rightVersion)
    int i;

    // Break version into fields (separated by '.')
    NSMutableArray *leftFields  = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[leftVersion  componentsSeparatedByString"."]];
    NSMutableArray *rightFields = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[rightVersion componentsSeparatedByString"."]];

    // Implict ".0" in case version doesn't have the same number of '.'
    if ([leftFields count] < [rightFields count]) {
        while ([leftFields count] != [rightFields count]) {
            [leftFields addObject"0"];
    } else if ([leftFields count] > [rightFields count]) {
        while ([leftFields count] != [rightFields count]) {
            [rightFields addObject"0"];


    // Do a numeric comparison on each field
    for(i = 0; i < [leftFields count]; i++) {
        NSComparisonResult result = [[leftFields objectAtIndex:i] compare:[rightFields objectAtIndex:i] options:NSNumericSearch];
        if (result != NSOrderedSame) {
            [leftFields release];
            [rightFields release];
            return result;

    [leftFields release];
    [rightFields release];  
    return NSOrderedSame;

Best Answer-推荐答案



NSArray *array = [myVersion componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet"."];

NSInteger value = 0;
NSInteger multiplier = 1000000;
for(NSString *n in array) {
  value += [n integerValue] * multiplier;
  multiplier /= 100;

它的作用是为您提供一个可用于比较的标准化值,并且通常会比较具有不同“深度”的版本,即 1.5 和 1.5.2。

如果您有超过 100 个点发布(即任何数字大于 100),它就会中断,并且还会声明 1.5.0 == 1.5。也就是说,它简短、甜美且易于使用。

编辑:如果您使用 NSString 'compareptions:' 方法,请确保您的字符串修饰得很好:

    s1 = @"1.";
    s2 = @"1";
    NSLog(@"Compare %@ to %@ result %d", s1, s2, (int)[s1 compare:s2 options:NSNumericSearch]);
    s1 = @"20.20.0";
    s2 = @"20.20";
    NSLog(@"Compare %@ to %@ result %d", s1, s2, (int)[s1 compare:s2 options:NSNumericSearch]);

2012-09-06 11:26:24.793 xxx[59804:f803] Compare 1. to 1 result 1
2012-09-06 11:26:24.794 xxx[59804:f803] Compare 20.20.0 to 20.20 result 1

关于iphone - 如何在Objective-C中一个数字中的部分较少的版本号上使用比较?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12308659/

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