Here is the part of the code that is related to the Label.
I have no idea where the problem is!!!!!
I used the scene builder and checked the warp Test option.
And the FXML file has also been updated.
In everything I found on the internet, it was just said to use this method and I did it but it does not work :)
enter code here/*
package drug.drugstore;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.fxml.Initializable;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
//start class BaseController
public class BaseController implements Initializable {
//create an object form class SwitchForm and assign it to switchForm
private SwitchForm switchForm = new SwitchForm();
//instance variable
private ImageView baseFormImageView;
private ImageView informationalImageView;
public Label baseMessageLabel;
private Button closeButton;
private Label baseDefaultMessageLabel;
//start method intialize to
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
//create an object from class File and assign it to lockFile
File baseFormFile = new File("D:\downloads\Download Chrome\base form picture.jpg");
//create an object from class Image and assign it to lockImage
Image baseFormImage = new Image(baseFormFile.toURI().toString());
baseFormImageView.setImage(baseFormImage); //set Image to ImageView
//create an object from class File and assign it to lockFile
File informationalFile = new File("D:\downloads\Download Chrome\base message.jpg");
//create an object from class Image and assign it to lockImage
Image informationalImage = new Image(informationalFile.toURI().toString());
informationalImageView.setImage(informationalImage); //set Image to ImageView
// create an object from class ShowHealthMessage and assign it to messages
TimerTask messages;
messages = new TimerTask() {
int messageNumber = 1; //assign 1 to messageNumber
// start method run
// to make while loop to create after every 20 second a new String message for label
public void run() {
//start switch statement
switch (messageNumber) {
case 1:
// call method runLater from class Platform to change the value of baseMessageLabel
Platform.runLater(() -> {
baseMessageLabel.setText("Know the name and doses of your medicines"); // set the new String to the baseMessageLabe
baseMessageLabel.setWrapText(true); // baseMessageLabel with Wrapped Text
} // end method runLater
); // end class Platfrom
messageNumber++; // increment the messageNumber to choose new String value to baseMessageLabel
case 2:
// call method runLater from class Platform to change the value of baseMessageLabel
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
//start method run
public void run() {
baseMessageLabel.setText("Know why the medicine is important and what it treats"); // set the new String to the baseMessageLabe
baseMessageLabel.setWrapText(true); // baseMessageLabel with Wrapped Text
} // end metohd run
} // end method runLater
); // end class Platform
messageNumber++; // increment the messageNumber to choose new String value to baseMessageLabel
case 3:
// call method runLater from class Platform to change the value of baseMessageLabel
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
//start method run
public void run() {
baseMessageLabel.setText("Read your labels to learn what you are taking, how and when to take it, etc"); // set the new String to the baseMessageLabe
baseMessageLabel.setWrapText(true); // baseMessageLabel with Wrapped Text
} //end method rin
} // end method runLater
); //end class Platform
messageNumber++; // increment the messageNumber to choose new String value to baseMessageLabel
messageNumber = 1; // ssume messageNumber to 1 beacase we want show over and over our messages
// call method runLater from class Platform to change the value of baseMessageLabel
Platform.runLater(() -> {
baseMessageLabel.setText("Ask if lower doses might be helpful depending on your age or any kidney or liver problems"); // set the new String to the baseMessageLabel
}); //end metho runLater of class Platfrom
messageNumber++; // increment the messageNumber to choose new String value to baseMessageLabel
} //end switch statement
} // end method run
}; // end statement of TimerTask
// create an object from class Timer and assign it to timer
Timer timer = new Timer();
// set schedule at the fixed rate to make change in baseMessageLabel from begin and refresh every 20 second
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(messages, 0, 20_000);
} //end method inititalize