I am using LyX 2.3.6 with TeXLive 2020. I create and print a dataframe using kableExtra - the contents of my table float follow:
<<results = "asis",echo = F, warning = FALSE, tidy=FALSE>>=
######## CREATE A TABLE FOR THE BOOK ###########
df_ret_vol <- data.frame(matrix(" ", nrow = 21, ncol = 5))
df_ret_vol$X1 <-c("Australia", "Austria", "Belgium", "Canada", "Denmark", "Finland",
"France", "Germany", "Ireland", "Italy", "Japan",
"Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Norway", "Portugal", "South Africa",
"Spain", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "United Kingdom", "United States")
df_ret_vol$X2 <- c("6.82\%", "0.95\%", "2.61\%", "5.71\%", "5.57\%", "5.48\%",
"3.42\%", "3.32\%", "4.35\%", "2.15\%", "4.21\%", "5.10\%",
"6.43\%", "4.39\%", "3.64\%", "7.09\%", "3.59\%", "5.99\%",
"4.61\%", "5.53\%", "6.51\%")
df_ret_vol$X3 <- c("6.60\%", "0.09\%", "2.99\%", "5.55\%", "5.90\%", "5.43\%",
"3.17\%", "3.42\%", "4.41\%", "2.13\%", "4.38\%", "5.27\%",
"6.06\%", "4.41\%", "3.64\%", "6.09\%", "3.49\%", "5.66\%",
"5.34\%", "5.12\%", "6.51\%")
df_ret_vol$X4 <- c("17.50\%", "30.55\%", "23.35\%", "16.87\%", "20.71\%", "29.49\%",
"22.90\%", "31.32\%", "22.89\%", "28.28\%", "29.19\%", "21.15\%",
"19.22\%", "26.48\%", "33.92\%", "21.90\%", "21.67\%", "21.00\%",
"19.40\%", "19.60\%", "19.93\%")
df_ret_vol$X5 <- c("22.02\%", "37.33\%", "25.62\%", "19.52\%", "22.67\%", "32.12\%",
"28.07\%", "79.02\%", "25.13\%", "32.89\%", "31.36\%", "24.34\%",
"25.14\%", "29.36\%", "40.74\%", "29.26\%", "27.83\%", "23.51\%",
"20.55\%", "22.82\%", "19.93\%")
#Rename columns and reformat the table
colnames(df_ret_vol) <- c("Country", "Local Currency", "U.S. Dollar", "Local Currency", "U.S. Dollar")
kable(df_ret_vol, format = "latex", booktabs = T, linesep = "", row.names = FALSE,
align = c("l", "c", "c", "c", "c"), escape = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = F, font_size = 10 ) %>%
add_header_above(c(" " = 1, " Annualized Return" = 2, "Annualized Standard Deviation" = 2)) %>%
add_indent(1:21) %>%
column_spec(1:5, width = "8em")%>%
footnote(general = "Source: Credit Suisse Research Institute Global Investment Yearbook 2020",
general_title = "")
If I exclude the column_spec
statement, this produces a table with no problem at all. As soon as I include the column_spec
statement, I get a number of Undefined control sequence
errors with the description
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `Ihbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
In addition, the first column is now centered, and I see the string "ccccc" above the table. I have looked through the log file, and hunted high and low for the cause of the error, upto and including recreating the file. The fact that I am using "Local Currency" and "U.S. Dollar" twice each seems irrelevant - I get the same error if I use four distinct names.
What might be the cause of my errors?
Many thanks in advance
Thomas Philips