I'm having this issue with the Trix editor in rails 5.2.4 with webpacker.
The only thing I can see is a little box at the left of the 'Save' button.
My Gemfile has this gem installed:
And installed the trix editor with:
rails action_text:install
And finally, this is the html code:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<%= link_to 'Back', posts_path, class:'btn btn-secondary mb-4' %>
<div class='card'>
<div class='card-body'>
<h4 class='card-title'>Editing post</h4>
<%= render 'form', post: @post %>
<div class="col-md-9">
<div class="mb-3">
<%= form_with(model: [@post, @paragraph]) do |form| %>
<%= form.hidden_field :element_type, value: 'paragragh' %>
<%= form.submit 'Paragraph', class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
<% @post.elements.each do |element| %>
<% if element.persisted? %>
<%= form_with(model: [@post, element]) do |form| %>
<%= form.rich_text_area :content %>
<%= form.submit 'Save', class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>