When I try running my expo (version 4.0.16) app on a mobile device, I get Unable to resolve "../../App" from "node_modulesexpoAppEntry.js"
I tried: https://github.com/GeekyAnts/vue-native-core/issues/117, and Unable to resolve "../../App" from "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js".
However the github one did not work.("packagerOpts": { "sourceExts": [ "js", "json", "ts", "tsx", "jsx", "vue"], "config": "metro.config.js"
} didn't do anything) My main file is called app.js.
I tried following the stackoverflow post
I ran into this problem too. I used the expo cli to make the project which sets up your app.json file
with "entryPoint": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js". AppEntry.js tries to default import from a js file
called App in the root directory. Make sure you have a file called App.js|.tsx that default exports a
react component.
and now my app.js looks like
class App extends React.Component {
export default App;
but that also didn't change anything, and I don't know if I understood what I was supposed to do exactly. Anyways, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.