When the clients join the room initially for a few seconds they can able to talk but after a few seconds client 1 socket id suddenly drops out from the room and getting new socket id.
After that suddenly there is a drop of the socket id of the second client and coming up with the new id.
Because of this, there is instability in the room clients are unable to communicate in the application.
We are using socket.io adapter 5.4.0v to resolve this could anyone help on this?
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0|www | zVS1eE07hmUAUDazAAAC joined
0|www | l2T0nntZ_AsP5NGmAAAD qqweerrttyy@qqwerty.com 6115521238
0|www | l2T0nntZ_AsP5NGmAAAD joined
0|www | group event =={"participantName":"Krishna","meetingID":"6115521238","message":"hello
0|www | [ 'kq0ITfQLn9ODSEGpAAAB', 'l2T0nntZ_AsP5NGmAAAD' ]
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0|www | Personal event ==
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