I've setup an amplify project for react.js, which should allow authorized and unauthorized access to my application.
Therefore, I've configured two authentication methods: Cognito User Pools and API key. The first one is my default.
My application runs fine, if I sign in via the Cognito User Pool. All data is beeing synchronized via the DataStore.
But if I switch to the API Key as unauthenticated user, I only get unauthorized errors under the hood. E.g. for one of my custom types:
errorType: "Unauthorized"
message: "Not Authorized to access onCreateMyCustomType on type Subscription"
The API key is sent correctly as "x-api-key".
If I manually query the Graph-API (e.g. via the amplify.js-API in my application or the third party tool GraphiQL), I can get the results. Just the synchronization isn't working as it does for authenticated users.
In my schema, I control the access via @auth. E.g.:
@auth(rules: [
# Owner access
{ allow: owner },
# System access
{ allow: private, provider: iam },
# Admin access
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"] },
# Default user access
{ allow: groups, groups: ["User"], operations: [read] },
# Everyone
{ allow: public, operations: [read] }
I'm switching the authentication method via:
aws_appsync_authenticationType: isAuthenticated ? 'AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS' : 'API_KEY',