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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

javascript - 在JavaScript中逐个遍历数组?(For-each over an array in JavaScript?)

How can I loop through all the entries in an array using JavaScript?


I thought it was something like this:


forEach(instance in theArray)

Where theArray is my array, but this seems to be incorrect.


  ask by Dante1986 translate from so

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by (71.8m points)


(TL; DR)

  • Don't use for-in unless you use it with safeguards or are at least aware of why it might bite you.


  • Your best bets are usually


    • a for-of loop (ES2015+ only),

      (for-of循环(仅for-of ES2015 +),)

    • Array#forEach ( spec | MDN ) (or its relatives some and such) (ES5+ only),

      (Array#forEachspec | MDN )(或其some类似的亲戚)(仅适用于ES5 +),)

    • a simple old-fashioned for loop,


    • or for-in with safeguards.


But there's lots more to explore, read on...


JavaScript has powerful semantics for looping through arrays and array-like objects.


I've split the answer into two parts: Options for genuine arrays, and options for things that are just array- like , such as the arguments object, other iterable objects (ES2015+), DOM collections, and so on.

(我将答案分为两部分:真正数组的选项,以及仅是数组之类的东西的选项,例如arguments对象,其他可迭代对象(ES2015 +),DOM集合,等等。)

I'll quickly note that you can use the ES2015 options now , even on ES5 engines, by transpiling ES2015 to ES5.


Search for "ES2015 transpiling" / "ES6 transpiling" for more...

(搜索“ ES2015 transpiling” /“ ES6 transpiling”以了解更多...)

Okay, let's look at our options:


For Actual Arrays(对于实际数组)

You have three options in ECMAScript 5 ("ES5"), the version most broadly supported at the moment, and two more added in ECMAScript 2015 ("ES2015", "ES6"):

(您目前在ECMAScript 5 (“ ES5”)中拥有三个选项,这是目前最广泛支持的版本,在ECMAScript 2015中又添加了两个选项(“ ES2015”,“ ES6”):)

  1. Use forEach and related (ES5+)

    (适用于forEach及相关(ES5 +))

  2. Use a simple for loop


  3. Use for-in correctly


  4. Use for-of (use an iterator implicitly) (ES2015+)

    (使用for-of (隐式使用迭代器)(ES2015 +))

  5. Use an iterator explicitly (ES2015+)

    (明确使用迭代器(ES2015 +))



1. Use forEach and related(1.使用forEach及相关)

In any vaguely-modern environment (so, not IE8) where you have access to the Array features added by ES5 (directly or using polyfills), you can use forEach ( spec | MDN ):

(在任何可以访问由ES5添加的Array功能(直接或使用polyfills)的模糊现代环境(因此,不是IE8)中,都可以使用forEachspec | MDN ):)

 var a = ["a", "b", "c"]; a.forEach(function(entry) { console.log(entry); }); 

forEach accepts a callback function and, optionally, a value to use as this when calling that callback (not used above).


The callback is called for each entry in the array, in order, skipping non-existent entries in sparse arrays.


Although I only used one argument above, the callback is called with three: The value of each entry, the index of that entry, and a reference to the array you're iterating over (in case your function doesn't already have it handy).

(尽管我在上面只使用了一个参数,但回调函数使用以下三个参数调用:每个条目的值,该条目的索引以及对要迭代的数组的引用(以防您的函数尚未使用它) )。)

Unless you're supporting obsolete browsers like IE8 (which NetApps shows at just over 4% market share as of this writing in September 2016), you can happily use forEach in a general-purpose web page without a shim.

(除非您支持IE8之类的过时浏览器(截至2016年9月,NetApps在市场中所占份额刚刚超过4%),否则您可以在通用网页中愉快地使用forEach ,而无需填充。)

If you do need to support obsolete browsers, shimming/polyfilling forEach is easily done (search for "es5 shim" for several options).

(如果您确实需要支持陈旧的浏览器,则可以轻松完成forEach填充/填充(搜索“ es5 shim”以获得多个选项)。)

forEach has the benefit that you don't have to declare indexing and value variables in the containing scope, as they're supplied as arguments to the iteration function, and so nicely scoped to just that iteration.


If you're worried about the runtime cost of making a function call for each array entry, don't be;


details .

(细节 。)

Additionally, forEach is the "loop through them all" function, but ES5 defined several other useful "work your way through the array and do things" functions, including:

(另外, forEach是“遍历所有对象”功能,但是ES5定义了其他一些有用的“遍历数组并执行操作”功能,包括:)

  • every (stops looping the first time the callback returns false or something falsey)

    (every (在回调第一次返回falsefalse时停止循环))

  • some (stops looping the first time the callback returns true or something truthy)

    (some (在回调第一次返回truetrue时停止循环))

  • filter (creates a new array including elements where the filter function returns true and omitting the ones where it returns false )

    (filter (创建一个新数组,其中包含filter函数返回true元素,并忽略其中返回false元素))

  • map (creates a new array from the values returned by the callback)

    (map (根据回调返回的值创建一个新数组))

  • reduce (builds up a value by repeatedly calling the callback, passing in previous values; see the spec for the details; useful for summing the contents of an array and many other things)

    (reduce (通过重复调用回调,传入先前的值来建立一个值;有关详细信息,请参见规范;对汇总数组内容和许多其他内容很有用))

  • reduceRight (like reduce , but works in descending rather than ascending order)

    (reduceRight (类似于reduce ,但是以降序而不是升序工作))

2. Use a simple for loop(2.使用简单的for循环)

Sometimes the old ways are the best:


<div class="snippet" data-lang="js" data-hi

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