You can't do it directly, because you don't have write access to the underlying buffer (until C++11; see Dietrich Epp's comment ).
(您不能直接执行此操作,因为您没有对基础缓冲区的写访问权限(直到C ++ 11;请参见Dietrich Epp的注释 )。)
You'll have to do it first in a c-string, then copy it into a std::string: (您必须首先在c字符串中执行此操作,然后将其复制到std :: string中:)
char buff[100];
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s", "Hello");
std::string buffAsStdStr = buff;
But I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use a string stream?
I'm assuming you have specific reasons to not just do this: (我假设您有特定的原因不只是这样做:)
std::ostringstream stringStream;
stringStream << "Hello";
std::string copyOfStr = stringStream.str();