filterList function will be called with the two params. categories - the list of categories, and keyword - search keyword. So my function checking each category from the category list. For each category, I filtered the children's list by the isHidden=false parameter and also by the existing profile with the name, which contains the keyword. I also using the toLocaleLowerCase function for the Case-insensitive. And if the category has a children's, which meet the requirements, I pushed to the result[], and overwrite the children value for it. And finally, the function returning the result array with required categories
const filterList = (categories, keyword) => {
const kwd = keyword.toLocaleLowerCase()
const result = [];
for (const cat of categories) {
const children = cat.children.filter(i => !i.isHidden && i.profiles.some(j =>;
if (children.length) result.push({, children })
return result;