To follow up on pauxu's answer, I'm using launch4j and NSIS on a project of mine and thought it would be helpful to show just how I'm using them. Here's what I'm doing for Windows. BTW, I'm creating .app and .dmg for Mac, but haven't figured out what to do for Linux yet.
Project Copies of launch4j and NSIS
In my project I have a "vendor" directory and underneath it I have a directory for "launch4j" and "nsis". Within each is a copy of the install for each application. I find it easier to have a copy local to the project rather than forcing others to install both products and set up some kind of environment variable to point to each.
Script Files
I also have a "scripts" directory in my project that holds various configuration/script files for my project. First there is the launch4j.xml file:
And then there's the NSIS script rpgam-setup.nsis. It can take a VERSION argument to help name the file.
; The name of the installer
Name "RPG Audio Mixer"
!ifndef VERSION
!define VERSION A.B.C
; The file to write
outfile "..distinstallerswindows
; The default installation directory
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILESRPG Audio Mixer"
; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will
; overwrite the old one automatically)
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SoftwareRPG_Audio_Mixer" "Install_Dir"
# create a default section.
section "RPG Audio Mixer"
SectionIn RO
; Set output path to the installation directory.
File /r "..distlayoutwindows"