There are many performance myths, and some were probably true several years ago, and some might still be true on VMs that don't have a JIT.
The Android documentation (remember that Android don't have a JVM, they have Dalvik VM) used to say that invoking a method on an interfaces was slower than invoking it on a class, so they were contributing to spreading the myth (it's also possible that it was slower on the Dalvik VM before they turned on the JIT). The documentation does now say:
Performance Myths
Previous versions of this document made various misleading claims. We
address some of them here.
On devices without a JIT, it is true that invoking methods via a
variable with an exact type rather than an interface is slightly more
efficient. (So, for example, it was cheaper to invoke methods on a
HashMap map than a Map map, even though in both cases the map was a
HashMap.) It was not the case that this was 2x slower; the actual
difference was more like 6% slower. Furthermore, the JIT makes the two
effectively indistinguishable.
Source: Designing for performance on Android
The same thing is probably true for the JIT in the JVM, it would be very odd otherwise.