I need to load a yaml file into Hash, What should I do?
Use the YAML module: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/yaml/rdoc/YAML.html
node = YAML::parse( <<EOY ) one: 1 two: 2 EOY puts node.type_id # prints: 'map' p node.value['one'] # prints key and value nodes: # [ #<YAML::YamlNode:0x8220278 @type_id="str", @value="one", @kind="scalar">, # #<YAML::YamlNode:0x821fcd8 @type_id="int", @value="1", @kind="scalar"> ]' # Mappings can also be accessed for just the value by accessing as a Hash directly p node['one'] # prints: #<YAML::YamlNode:0x821fcd8 @type_id="int", @value="1", @kind="scalar">
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