Hey I think I have some solution for you, as far as I understand the watch method of a Box will be empty the first time it runs, it doesn't matter if the box has something because watch only fires when there is a change since the moment it starts listening so it will be in loading state until you change the key 0 value somewhere in your app.
I'm not really a fan of this behavior and it would be better if the watch method returns the initial data the first time
final localUserStream = watch(localUserStreamProvider);
return localUserStream.when(
data: (data) => data == null ? Container(color: Colors.blue) : data.isEmailVerified ? Container(color: Colors.green) : Container(color: Colors.purple),
loading: () => TextButton(
onPressed: () async {
final box = await watch(localUserBoxFutureProvider.future);
await box.put(0, User()) // this is just an example that when you tap the button the stream actually change to data
child: Text('Update me'),
error: (e, s) => Container(color: Colors.red)
This can be a bit tricky (and I haven't tested it) but you could stream an initial value in your StreamProvider
final localUserStreamProvider = StreamProvider<User>((ref) async* {
final usersBox = await ref.watch(localUserBoxFutureProvider.future);
yield* Stream.value(userBox.get(0, defaultValue: User())); //or getAt(0)
yield* usersBox.watch(key: 0).map((boxEvent) => boxEvent as User);
This way it will show the value saved in your box at the beggining of your app, and afterwards the change of events related with that key