Following the post: where @dbenham posted his code:
Where he is able to Redirect Stdout/Stderr to variables and designs an early version that utilizes a file which is more efficient as he claims.
What I am not able to figure out is how to replace his "yourCommand" with a :call to a piece of code lower in the same script (ffmpeg processes & For loops). In the end I am trying to control what appears on the console but to thoroughly record what happens in a log file.
I've been searching and comparing/testing scripts for days but can't seem to break through this.
The bottom piece of code is the ffmpeg script with it's existing logging function which I am aiming to recreate/reutilize within this @dbenham script.
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "STDOUT="
for /f "delims=" %%E in (
'2^>^&1 (for /f "delims=" %%O in ('^
^^^^^^^| findstr /n /r "^"'^) do @(echo ^^^^^^^|%%O^)^) ^| findstr /n /r "^"'
) do (
set "ln=%%E"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln=x!ln:*:=!"
set "ln=!ln:=s!"
if "!ln:~0,2!"=="x|" (
set "ln=!ln:~0,-1!"
for /f "delims=" %%A in (^""!STDOUT!"^") do for /f "delims=" %%B in (^""!ln:*:=!"^") do (
set "STDOUT=%%~A%%~B
) else (
for /f "delims=" %%A in (^""!STDERR!"^") do for /f "delims=" %%B in (^""!ln:~1!"^") do (
set "STDERR=%%~A%%~B
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%L in (^"^
%= empty line =%
^") do (
if defined STDOUT (
set "STDOUT=!STDOUT:s=!"
set "STDOUT=!STDOUT:~0,-1!"
if defined stderr (
set "STDERR=!STDERR:s=!"
set "STDERR=!STDERR:~0,-1!"
echo ** STDOUT **
echo ** STDERR **
exit /b
I have modified the above code as such for easier testing purposes:
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set /a out.cnt=err.cnt=0
(for /f "delims=. tokens=1*" %%A in ('^""%~f0" :test5 2^>err.log ^| findstr /n "^"^"') do (
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ("%%A") do (
set "ln=%%A"
echo this is the ln var: "%ln%"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%B in (^""!ln:*:=!"^") do (
set "out.%%N=%%~B"
set "out.cnt=%%N"
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" err.log') do for /f "delims=:" %%N in ("%%A") do (
set "ln=%%A"
echo this is the ln2 var: "%ln%"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%B in (^""!ln:*:=!"^") do (
set "err.%%N=%%~B"
set "err.cnt=%%N"
:: Display the results
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo ** STDOUT **
for /l %%N in (1 1 %out.cnt%) do echo(!out.%%N!
echo ** STDERR **
for /l %%N in (1 1 %err.cnt%) do echo(!err.%%N!
echo ** STDERR END **
exit /b
echo - This is the TEST5
echo STDOUT line 1 with empty line following
>&2 echo STDERR line 1 with empty line following
>&2 echo(
echo STDOUT line 3 with poison characters "(<^&|!%%>)" (^<^^^&^|!%%^>)
>&2 echo STDERR line 3 with poison characters "(<^&|!%%>)" (^<^^^&^|!%%^>)
echo err.4:STDOUT line 4 spoofed as stderr - No problem!
>&2 echo out.4:STDERR line 4 spoofed as stdout - No problem!
echo :STDOUT line 5 leading colon preserved
>&2 echo :STDERR line 5 leading colon preserved
echo ;STDOUT line 6 default EOL of ; not a problem
>&2 echo ;STDERR line 6 default EOL of ; not a problem
exit /b
I came across this script(below here): but it is beyond-me for the moment on how I can re-configure to use.
@echo off
if "%~1" neq "" goto :test
:: Initialize
set log="myLog.log"
2>nul del %log%
2>nul del "test*.marker"
set procCount=5
set testCount=10
:: Launch %procCount% processes that write to the same log
for /l %%n in (1 1 %procCount%) do start "" /b "%~f0" %%n
:wait for child processes to finish
2>nul dir /b "test*.marker" | find /c "test" | >nul findstr /x "%procCount%" || goto :wait
:: Verify log results
for /l %%n in (1 1 %procCount%) do (
<nul set /p "=Proc %%n log count = "
find /c "Proc %%n: " <%log%
:: Cleanup
del "test*.marker"
exit /b
:: code below is the process that writes to the log file
set instance=%1
for /l %%n in (1 1 %testCount%) do (
call :log echo Proc %instance% says hello!
call :log dir "%~f0"
echo done >"test%1.marker"
:log command args...
2>nul (
>>%log% (
echo ***********************************************************
echo Proc %instance%: %date% %time%
(call ) %= This odd syntax guarantees the inner block ends with success =%
%= We only want to loop back and try again if redirection failed =%
) || goto :log
exit /b
The existing ffmpeg script with it's existing logging which
1st: Sets up the logging structure to the %drive% destination (contains "!"), creates the new logging destination directory(s) and saves the filename as the date+time.
2nd(core-1): Uses ffprobe.exe to search for define audio codecs (i.e. "dts")
3rd(core-2): Each result is then fed to ffmpeg to copy the file but to transcode to "eac3" & "ac3".
Existing Problems with this ffmpeg script include the "FilesEncoded" count.
Ideally it would show the count
I am also trying to incorporate "start /abovenormal" so I can have the ffmpeg processes a high priority.
I seem to be stuck, but I have spent yesterday looking to use ffmpeg-progressbar-cli so it would show a per-file progress bar, and basic information, which is why there is a 2nd FINALCOMMAND line ::out at the end. But no luck....
I appreciate any help anyone can provide.
rem #######NEEDED INSTALLED####################################
rem For the "ffmpeg-bar wrapper" node.js is needed
rem And then npm install --global ffmpeg-progressbar-cli
rem #######NEEDED INSTALLED####################################
rem #######1-Destination Drive #############
SET drive=T:4k.temp
set string=%CD%
rem ####1-Destination Drive###################################
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "SEARCHSlash="
set "modified="
for %%* in (.) do SET LogFolder=%%~n*
set "LOGFILE="
set "SEARCHDrive="
set "REPLACEDriveLetter="
set "timestmpIN="
set "timestmpFIN="
SET "HH="&SET "MM="&SET "SS="&SET "timestamp1="
SET "daymth="
set "colon=^:"
set "period=^."
set "modified=!string:%SEARCHSlash%=%REPLACETEXT%!"
ECHO !modified!
set "SEARCHDrive=!modified:~0,18!"
set "OUTTEXTFILE=!modified:%SEARCHDrive%=%REPLACEDriveLetter%!"
SET DT=%date:/=-%
SET daymth=%DT:~4,5%
for /F "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set mydate=%%i
set mytime=%time%
ECHO Current time is %mydate%:%mytime%
SET MM=%time:~3,2%&SET SS=%time:~6,2%
SET "timestamp1=%HH%.%MM%.%SS%"
ECHO This is timestamp: %timestamp1%
rem #######2-Destination Logs #############
MD "%drive%Logs\%LogFolder%"
SET LOGFILE=%drive%Logs\%LogFolder%Log-%OUTTEXTFILE%--%daymth%..%timestamp1%.log
(call ^:logit)>>%LOGFILE%
ECHO This is the logfile: %LOGFILE%
rem #######2-Destination Logs #############
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
rem #######3-Codecs Desired to Convert #############
SET "Codec1=dts"
SET "Codec2=null2"
SET "Codec3=null2"
rem #######3-Codecs Desired to Convert #############
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
SET "ProgramFolder=C:Program FilesFFmpeg-v2020in"
SET "ProbeOptions=-v quiet -select_streams a:0 -show_entries "stream^^=codec_name" -of json"
set "FilesFound=0"
set "FilesEncoded=0"
set "FullFileName="
set "output="
ECHO This is the Current Directory: %CD%
ECHO Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1Loop1
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir *.mkv *.mp4 /A-D-H /B /S 2^>nul') do (
ECHO This is the Program Folder: %ProgramFolder%
ECHO This is the Program Options: %ProgramOptions%
set "FullFileName=%%I"
ECHO "FullFileName %%I"
set "output=%drive%%%~pI%%~nxI"
SET "folderOUTpath2=%drive%%%~pI"
ECHO This is the Folderoutpath2: "%folderOUTpath2%"
SET "folderOUTpath=%folderOUTpath2%"
ECHO "folderOUTpath-nonVar: %drive%%%~pI"
ECHO "folderOUTpath-1 %folderOUTpath%"
set /A FilesFound+=1
set "AudioCodec="
SET "SkipCodecs="
ECHO FullFileName2-nonVar "FullFileName %%I"
ECHO FullFileName2 "%FullFileName%"
ECHO folderOUTpath2-nonVar "folderOUTpath %drive%%%~pI"
ECHO folderOUTpath2-orig: %folderOUTpath%
ECHO folderOUTpath2 !folderOUTpath2!
ECHO folderOUTpath2-orig: %folderOUTpath%
ECHO Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2Loop2
ECHO this is variable %%B
ECHO this is variable %%~B
ECHO this is variable %%C
ECHO this is variable %%~C
for /F "eol={ tokens=1,2 delims=,:[ ]{} " %%B in ('""%ProgramFolder%ffprobe.exe" %ProbeOptions% "%%I""') do (
ECHO this is variable %%B
ECHO this is variable %%~B
ECHO this is variable %%C
ECHO this is variable %%~C
if "%%~B" == "codec_name" (
if not defined AudioCodec (
set &qu