I have the following in my file
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
implicit val showPrimaryFieldSchema: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema] = pf => {
s"PRIMARY_ID ${pf.fName} ${pf.fType.show}"
when i write the following:
implicit def showVertexSchema(implicit pShow: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema], npShow: Show[NonPrimaryFieldSchema] ): Show[VertexSchema] = vSchema => {
s"""VERTEX ${vSchema.vName} (${vSchema.pField.show}, ${vSchema.nPFields.map(np => npShow.show(np)).mkString(", ")}) WITH primary_id_as_attribute="FALSE""""
I get the following error:
value show is not a member of com.elsevier.entellect.tigergraph.schemabuilder.DataTypes.PrimaryFieldSchema
[error] s"""VERTEX ${vSchema.vName} (${vSchema.pField.show}, ${vSchema.nPFields.map(np => npShow.show(np)).mkString(", ")}) WITH primary_id_as_attribute="FALSE""""
However the following code works:
implicit def showVertexSchema(implicit pShow: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema], npShow: Show[NonPrimaryFieldSchema] ): Show[VertexSchema] = vSchema => {
s"""VERTEX ${vSchema.vName} (${pShow.show(vSchema.pField)}, ${vSchema.nPFields.map(np => npShow.show(np)).mkString(", ")}) WITH primary_id_as_attribute="FALSE""""
So I wonder really why
not ok at all here. implicit pShow: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema]
is a category1 implicit, and a parameter. so not sure
Can someone explain ?
sealed trait Schema
final case class VertexSchema(vName: String, pField: PrimaryFieldSchema, nPFields: List[NonPrimaryFieldSchema]) extends Schema
final case class EdgePairSchema(FROM: VertexSchema, TO: VertexSchema)
final case class EdgeSchema(eName: String, pairs: List[EdgePairSchema], fields: List[NonPrimaryFieldSchema], Directed: Boolean, erName: Option[String]) extends Schema
final case class GraphSchema(gName: String, vertexSchemas: List[VertexSchema] = List(), edgeSchemas: List[EdgeSchema] = List()) extends Schema
sealed trait FieldSchema
final case class PrimaryFieldSchema(fName: String, fType: FieldType, index: Boolean = false) extends FieldSchema
final case class NonPrimaryFieldSchema(fName: String, fType: FieldType, index: Boolean = false) extends FieldSchema
sealed trait FieldType
sealed trait SimpleFieldType extends FieldType
final case object INT extends SimpleFieldType
final case object UINT extends SimpleFieldType
final case object FLOAT extends SimpleFieldType
final case object DOUBLE extends SimpleFieldType
final case object BOOL extends SimpleFieldType
final case object STRING extends SimpleFieldType
final case object DATETIME extends SimpleFieldType
sealed trait ComplexFieldType extends FieldType
final case class LIST(fieldType: SimpleFieldType) extends ComplexFieldType
final case class SET(fieldType: SimpleFieldType) extends ComplexFieldType
implicit val showINTType: Show[INT.type] = _.toString
implicit val showUINTType: Show[UINT.type] = _.toString
implicit val showFLOATType: Show[FLOAT.type] = _.toString
implicit val showDOUBLEType: Show[DOUBLE.type] = _.toString
implicit val showBOOLType: Show[BOOL.type] = _.toString
implicit val showSTRINGType: Show[STRING.type] = _.toString
implicit val showDATETIMEType: Show[DATETIME.type] = _.toString
implicit val showLISTType : Show[LIST] = list => s"LIST<${list.fieldType.toString}>"
implicit val showSETType : Show[SET] = set => s"SET<${set.fieldType.toString}>"
implicit val showFieldType: Show[FieldType] = {
case INT => INT.show
case UINT => UINT.show
case FLOAT => FLOAT.show
case BOOL => BOOL.show
case DOUBLE => DOUBLE.show
case STRING => STRING.show
case list@LIST(_) => list.show
case set@SET(_) => set.show
implicit val showPrimaryFieldSchema: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema] = pf => {
s"PRIMARY_ID ${pf.fName} ${pf.fType.show}"
implicit val showNonPrimaryFieldSchemaa: Show[NonPrimaryFieldSchema] = pf => {
s"${pf.fName} ${pf.fType.show}"
implicit def showVertexSchema(implicit pShow: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema], npShow: Show[NonPrimaryFieldSchema] ): Show[VertexSchema] = vSchema => {
s"""VERTEX ${vSchema.vName} (${pShow.show(vSchema.pField)}, ${vSchema.nPFields.map(np => npShow.show(np)).mkString(", ")}) WITH primary_id_as_attribute="FALSE""""
Same problem happen is i first comment out
/*implicit val showPrimaryFieldSchema: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema] = pf => {
s"PRIMARY_ID ${pf.fName} ${pf.fType.show}"
and then i do
implicit def showVertexSchema(implicit pShow: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema], npShow: Show[NonPrimaryFieldSchema] ): Show[VertexSchema] = vSchema => {
implicit val showPrimaryFieldSchema1: Show[PrimaryFieldSchema] = pf => {
s"PRIMARY_ID ${pf.fName} ${pf.fType.show}"
s"""VERTEX ${vSchema.vName} (${vSchema.pField.show}, ${vSchema.nPFields.map(np => npShow.show(np)).mkString(", ")}) WITH primary_id_as_attribute="FALSE""""
//> value show is not a member of A$A7.this.PrimaryFieldSchema
then if i remove the implicit value but only keep the parameter, of course it works as a charm.
There seem to be an issue with the fact that 2 implicit of the same precedence are in scope maybe ?
I added the following scalac option and i get
toShow is not a valid implicit value for vSchema.pField.type => ?{def show: ?} because:
ambiguous implicit values:
both lazy value showPrimaryFieldSchema in class A$A31 of type cats.Show[A$A31.this.PrimaryFieldSchema]
and value pShow of type cats.Show[A$A31.this.PrimaryFieldSchema]
match expected type cats.Show[A$A31.this.PrimaryFieldSchema]
s"""VERTEX ${vSchema.vName} (${vSchema.pField.show}, ${vSchema.nPFields.map(np => npShow.show(np)).mkString(", ")}) WITH primary_id_as_attribute="FALSE""""
This is the kind of feedback i would expect per default.
However is that correct, i do not really get the implicit resolution rule here. Doesn't precedence play ?
question from: