If I understand correctly, you have two Symfony applications - the first one with a database and the second one that uses this database via API. It's not possible to implement Doctrine events listener within the second application, as it's not aware of Doctrine entities of the first application. However, you can solve this problem by using Symfony Messenger Component. The first application would dispatch messages on every Doctrine event and the second application would subscribe to those messages and handle them.
Something like this.
The first application side.
namespace AppEventListener;
use AppEntityUser;
use AppMessageUserChangedNotification;
use DoctrinePersistenceEventLifecycleEventArgs;
use SymfonyComponentMessengerMessageBusInterface;
class UserChangedNotifier
private MessageBusInterface $bus;
public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $bus)
$this->bus = $bus;
public function postUpdate(User $user, LifecycleEventArgs $event): void
$this->bus->dispatch(new UserChangedNotification($user));
The second application side.
namespace AppMessageHandler;
use AppMessageUserChangedNotification;
use SymfonyComponentMessengerHandlerMessageHandlerInterface;
class UserChangedNotificationHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
public function __invoke(UserChangedNotification $message)
// ... do something with the message, e.g. dispatch Symfony event