I am learning to run a loop (2 rounds of loop) for a DCC GARCH model. However, the loop is out of my control because:
Problem 1: Round 1, I want R to run for i from 1 to n-1 (n is total numbers of countries): however
it keeps run from i==0 --> I put i in (2:length(msci)-1); so it is ok for now, but I just don't understand why there is the case.
Round 2, I want R to run for j from i+1 to n. Somehow, R run j until n+ 1 --> I bypass it by setting
j in (i+1:length(msci)-1
It is ok for i=1 (it runs for j from 2 to 49). When i=2, it runs from 3 to 50
So it issues the error: "[1] "Now is loop j 50"
Error in [.data.frame
(msci, j) : undefined columns selected"
Any help (how to stop j reach the value of 50) is greatly appreciated. thanks
My code is:
setwd("C:/data/Garch output")
#define the function####
my_model <- function(country1, country2) {
uspec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model="eGARCH",garchOrder = c(1,1)),mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(2,2)))
multf=multifit(mspec,data=data.frame(country1,country2),solver = "nlminb",fit.control = list(stationarity = 1, fixed.se = 0, scale = 1, rec.init = "all"))
#define the DCC model
spec1=dccspec(uspec=mspec,dccOrder=c(1,1), model = "DCC",distribution="mvnorm")
#estimate DCC
fit1=dccfit(spec1,data=data.frame(country1,country2),fit.control = list(eval.e=TRUE),fit=multf)
for (i in 2: length(msci)-1) {
print(paste("LOOP i IS NOW", i))
if (j >= i+1:length(msci)-1) {
if (i != j) {
print(paste("Now is loop j", j))
print(paste("this is the loop of correlation between", names(msci[i]), "and", names(msci[j])))
#create name for the output
temp_name <- paste0("fit_",names(msci[i]), "_", names(msci[j]))
file_name <- temp_name
#estimate model
temp_name <- tryCatch({my_model(msci[i], msci[j])},
error = function(e) {cat("There is a error in", names(msci[i]), "and", names(msci[j]), "
saveRDS(temp_name, file = paste0(file_name,".RDS"))
print(paste("Finish loop of correlation between", names(msci[i]), "and", names(msci[j])))
my data is in the below google link.
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