I'm trying to implement the dropzone.js to my existing form, which has a lot of input fields, select options, etc. I tried to follow this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35275260/13695248 but all I earned is if I press the send button, literally nothing happens. No error or anything, it just doesn't do anything. I've got a lot of help from @Swati so I have some extra functions in the dropzone options, but I don't think it causes the problem.
This is how the html looks like:
<form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype='multipart/form-data' id="add">
<div class="dropzone" id="uploader"></div>
<input type="text" id="mainimage" name="mainimage">
<!-- lot of input fields here -->
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-xl" id="sendButton" name="upload" value="Send" />
and the JS part:
Dropzone.options.uploader = {
url: 'upload.php',
autoProcessQueue: false,
uploadMultiple: true,
paramName: "images", // The name that will be used to transfer the file
maxFilesize: 2, // MB
maxFiles: 5,
addRemoveLinks: true,
acceptedFiles: 'image/*',
accept: function(file) {
let fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onloadend = function() {
$('<a>', {
class: 'primary',
text: "Legyen ez a f? kép",
href: "#"
if (($(".dz-success.dz-complete").length > 0) && ($(".main").length == 0)) {
$(".dz-success.dz-complete:first .primary").text("F? kép")
//add class to first one
$("#mainimage").val($(".dz-success.dz-complete:first").find(".dz-filename span").text()) //add default name to imgs input
"error": function(file, message, xhr) {
if (xhr == null) this.removeFile(file);
removedfile: function(file) {
var is_there = file.previewElement.classList.contains("main");
if (is_there && $(".dz-success.dz-complete").length > 0) {
$(".dz-success.dz-complete .primary").text("Legyen ez a f? kép")
$(".dz-success.dz-complete:first .primary").text("F? kép")
$("#mainimage").val($(".dz-success.dz-complete:first").find(".dz-filename span").text()) //add default name to imgs input
if ($(".dz-success.dz-complete").length == 0) {
init: function() {
dzClosure = this; // Makes sure that 'this' is understood inside the functions below.
// for Dropzone to process the queue (instead of default form behavior):
document.getElementById("sendButton").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
// Make sure that the form isn't actually being sent.
//send all the form data along with the files:
this.on("sendingmultiple", function(data, xhr, formData) {
$(":input[name]", $("form")).each(function() {
formData.append(this.name, $(':input[name=' + this.name + ']', $("form")).val());
dictDefaultMessage: 'Kérjük húzza ide a képeket vagy kattintson a tallózáshoz!',
dictFallbackMessage: 'B?ngész?je nem támogatja a kép el?nézetet!',
dictFallbackText: 'Kérjük használja a tallózást a képek kiválasztásához!',
dictFileTooBig: 'A fájl mérete túl nagy. ({{filesize}}MiB). Maximum {{maxFilesize}}MiB lehet!',
dictInvalidFileType: 'A kiválasztott fájl kiterjesztése nem megfelel?!',
dictResponseError: 'A szerver {{statusCode}} kóddal válaszolt. Kérjük próbálja meg kés?bb!',
dictCancelUpload: 'Felt?ltés visszavonása',
dictUploadCanceled: 'felt?ltés visszavonva!',
dictCancelUploadConfirmation: 'Biztosan visszavonja a felt?ltést?',
dictRemoveFile: 'Kép t?rlése',
dictMaxFilesExceeded: 'Elérte a maximálisan felt?lthet? képek számát!'
$(document).on("click", ".primary", function() {
$(".dz-success.dz-complete.main .primary").text("Legyen ez a f? kép")
$(this).text("F? kép")
$("#mainimage").val($(this).closest(".dz-success.dz-complete").find(".dz-filename span").text())
I think this init function ruins it, because if I delete it, the button works fine but the data doesn't go to the database
init: function() {
dzClosure = this; // Makes sure that 'this' is understood inside the functions below.
// for Dropzone to process the queue (instead of default form behavior):
document.getElementById("sendButton").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
// Make sure that the form isn't actually being sent.
//send all the form data along with the files:
this.on("sendingmultiple", function(data, xhr, formData) {
$(":input[name]", $("form")).each(function() {
formData.append(this.name, $(':input[name=' + this.name + ']', $("form")).val());
question from: