I came up with the following function to do it.
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator
from openpyxl.worksheet.table import Table
from openpyxl.utils import rows_from_range
TableRow = Dict[str, Any]
def iter_table_rows(tb:Table) -> Generator[TableRow, None, None]:
"""Iterate over rows from a table with headers (row as dictionary)"""
def get_row_values(row_cell_ref):
return [ws[c].value for c in row_cell_ref]
iter_rows = rows_from_range(tb.ref)
headers = get_row_values(next(iter_rows))
for row_cells in iter_rows:
yield {h:v for h,v in zip(headers, get_row_values(row_cells))}
tb = ws.tables["MyTable"]
for row in iter_table_rows(tb):