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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

python - How to write a file or data to an S3 object using boto3

In boto 2, you can write to an S3 object using these methods:

Is there a boto 3 equivalent? What is the boto3 method for saving data to an object stored on S3?


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by (71.8m points)

In boto 3, the 'Key.set_contents_from_' methods were replaced by

For example:

import boto3

some_binary_data = b'Here we have some data'
more_binary_data = b'Here we have some more data'

# Method 1: Object.put()
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
object = s3.Object('my_bucket_name', 'my/key/including/filename.txt')

# Method 2: Client.put_object()
client = boto3.client('s3')
client.put_object(Body=more_binary_data, Bucket='my_bucket_name', Key='my/key/including/anotherfilename.txt')

Alternatively, the binary data can come from reading a file, as described in the official docs comparing boto 2 and boto 3:

Storing Data

Storing data from a file, stream, or string is easy:

# Boto 2.x
from boto.s3.key import Key
key = Key('hello.txt')

# Boto 3
s3.Object('mybucket', 'hello.txt').put(Body=open('/tmp/hello.txt', 'rb'))

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