Here's a quick sample but it is slow take around 4-6 seconds, but it does exactly what you looking for and i know this post is old but if anyone else visiting this post recently
you can look this thing
you need .NET AForge namespace or framework google it and install it
include AForge name space in your project and that's it
it finds the pictiure with another and gives out the coordinates.
System.Drawing.Bitmap sourceImage = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(@"C:SavedBMPs1.jpg");
System.Drawing.Bitmap template = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(@"C:SavedBMPs2.jpg");
// create template matching algorithm's instance
// (set similarity threshold to 92.1%)
ExhaustiveTemplateMatching tm = new ExhaustiveTemplateMatching(0.921f);
// find all matchings with specified above similarity
TemplateMatch[] matchings = tm.ProcessImage(sourceImage, template);
// highlight found matchings
BitmapData data = sourceImage.LockBits(
new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, sourceImage.PixelFormat);
foreach (TemplateMatch m in matchings)
Drawing.Rectangle(data, m.Rectangle, Color.White);
// do something else with matching