Another approach:
function replaceEmoticons(text) {
var emoticons = {
':-)' : 'smile1.gif',
':)' : 'smile2.gif',
':D' : 'smile3.gif'
}, url = "";
// a simple regex to match the characters used in the emoticons
return text.replace(/[:-)D]+/g, function (match) {
return typeof emoticons[match] != 'undefined' ?
'<img src="'+url+emoticons[match]+'"/>' :
replaceEmoticons('this is a simple test :)');
// "this is a simple test <img src=""/>"
Edit: @pepkin88 made a really good suggestion, build the regular expression based on the property names of the emoticons
It can be easily done, but we have to escape meta-characters if we want this to work properly.
The escaped patterns are stored on an array, that is later used to build the regular expression using the RegExp
constructor, by basically joining all the patterns separated with the |
function replaceEmoticons(text) {
var emoticons = {
':-)' : 'smile1.gif',
':)' : 'smile2.gif',
':D' : 'smile3.gif',
':-|' : 'smile4.gif'
}, url = "", patterns = [],
metachars = /[[]{}()*+?.\|^$-,&#s]/g;
// build a regex pattern for each defined property
for (var i in emoticons) {
if (emoticons.hasOwnProperty(i)){ // escape metacharacters
patterns.push('('+i.replace(metachars, "\$&")+')');
// build the regular expression and replace
return text.replace(new RegExp(patterns.join('|'),'g'), function (match) {
return typeof emoticons[match] != 'undefined' ?
'<img src="'+url+emoticons[match]+'"/>' :
replaceEmoticons('this is a simple test :-) :-| :D :)');