I am trying to iterate a map inside a map object and bind the selected value to the property value. I could able to iterate but, the selected values are not binding with the action property value.
Here is the code:
public class ABCAction {
private Category categoryOptions;
private Map<String, Map<String, Category>> category;
// with the values
public class Category {
private String id;
private boolean applied;
<s:hidden name="categoryOptions"/>
<s:iterator value="%{category}" var="categoryElement">
<s:set var="categoryKey" value="#categoryElement.key"/>
<s:set var="categoryValue" value="#categoryElement.value"/>
<s:checkbox name="categoryOptions" id="categoryOption"/>
<label for="categoryOption" class="d-inline" > <s:property value="%{categoryKey}" escapeHtml="false"/></label>
<s:iterator value="%{categoryValue}" var="categoryMap" status="ctr">
<s:set var="subKey" value="#categoryMap.key"/>
<s:set var="subValue" value="#categoryMap.value"/>
<div class="staffNotes">
<div class="col-md-9 noPaddingContainer">
<s:radio name="categoryOptions[%{#ctr.index}].applied" id="categoryOption" list="%{subKey}"/>
<s:hidden name = "categoryOptions[%{#ctr.index}].id" value="%{#subValue.id}"/>
<s:hidden name = "categoryOptions[%{#ctr.index}].applied" value="%{#subValue.applied}"/>
I am trying to map "categoryOptions" values to the "categoryOptions" in ABCAction class. After selecting the radio button, am just seeing an empty object.
Any help would be appreciated.