I'm not entirely sure what use case you are trying to satisfy. But it is possible to have a factory return instances of an object. You should be able to modify this to suit your needs.
var ExampleApplication = angular.module('ExampleApplication', []);
ExampleApplication.factory('InstancedService', function(){
function Instance(name, type){
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
return {
Instance: Instance
ExampleApplication.controller('InstanceController', function($scope, InstancedService){
var instanceA = new InstancedService.Instance('A','string'),
instanceB = new InstancedService.Instance('B','object');
console.log(angular.equals(instanceA, instanceB));
Consider the following request for non-singleton services. In which Brian Ford notes:
The idea that all services are singletons does not stop you from
writing singleton factories that can instantiate new objects.
and his example of returning instances from factories:
myApp.factory('myService', function () {
var MyThing = function () {};
MyThing.prototype.foo = function () {};
return {
getInstance: function () {
return new MyThing();
I would also argue his example is superior due to the fact that you do not have to use the new
keyword in your controller. It is encapsulated within the getInstance
method of the service.