This problem arose from currentRequest and originalRequest NSKeyArchived encoded with an unusual root of "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey" instead of NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey constant which is "root" literally and some other misbehaves in encoding process of NSURL(Mutable)Request.
I detected that in beta 1 and filed a bug (no. 27144153 in case you want duplicate). Even I sent an email to "Quinn the Eskimo" (eskimo1 at apple dot com) whom is support guy of NSURLSession team, to confirm they received it and he said they got that and are aware of issue.
UPDATE: I finally figured out how to resolve this issue. Give data to correctResumeData() function and it will return usable resume data
UPDATE 2: You can use NSURLSession.correctedDownloadTaskWithResumeData() / URLSession.correctedDownloadTask(withResumeData:) function to get a task with a correct originalRequest and currentRequest variables
UPDATE 3: Quinn says This issue is resolved in iOS 10.2, you can keep using this code to have compatibility with iOS 10.0 and 10.1 and it will work with new version without any issue.
(For Swift 3 code, scroll below, for Objective C see leavesstar post but I didn't tested it)
Swift 2.3:
func correctRequestData(data: NSData?) -> NSData? {
guard let data = data else {
return nil
// return the same data if it's correct
if NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) != nil {
return data
guard let archive = (try? NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(data, options: [.MutableContainersAndLeaves], format: nil)) as? NSMutableDictionary else {
return nil
// Rectify weird __nsurlrequest_proto_props objects to $number pattern
var k = 0
while archive["$objects"]?[1].objectForKey("$(k)") != nil {
k += 1
var i = 0
while archive["$objects"]?[1].objectForKey("__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_(i)") != nil {
let arr = archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray
if let dic = arr?[1] as? NSMutableDictionary, let obj = dic["__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_(i)"] {
dic.setObject(obj, forKey: "$(i + k)")
arr?[1] = dic
archive["$objects"] = arr
i += 1
if archive["$objects"]?[1].objectForKey("__nsurlrequest_proto_props") != nil {
let arr = archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray
if let dic = arr?[1] as? NSMutableDictionary, let obj = dic["__nsurlrequest_proto_props"] {
dic.setObject(obj, forKey: "$(i + k)")
arr?[1] = dic
archive["$objects"] = arr
// Rectify weird "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey" top key to NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey = "root"
if archive["$top"]?.objectForKey("NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey") != nil {
archive["$top"]?.setObject(archive["$top"]?["NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey"], forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey)
// Reencode archived object
let result = try? NSPropertyListSerialization.dataWithPropertyList(archive, format: NSPropertyListFormat.BinaryFormat_v1_0, options: NSPropertyListWriteOptions())
return result
func getResumeDictionary(data: NSData) -> NSMutableDictionary? {
var iresumeDictionary: NSMutableDictionary? = nil
// In beta versions, resumeData is NSKeyedArchive encoded instead of plist
if #available(iOS 10.0, OSX 10.12, *) {
var root : AnyObject? = nil
let keyedUnarchiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver(forReadingWithData: data)
do {
root = try keyedUnarchiver.decodeTopLevelObjectForKey("NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey") ?? nil
if root == nil {
root = try keyedUnarchiver.decodeTopLevelObjectForKey(NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey)
} catch {}
iresumeDictionary = root as? NSMutableDictionary
if iresumeDictionary == nil {
do {
iresumeDictionary = try NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(data, options: [.MutableContainersAndLeaves], format: nil) as? NSMutableDictionary;
} catch {}
return iresumeDictionary
func correctResumeData(data: NSData?) -> NSData? {
let kResumeCurrentRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeCurrentRequest"
let kResumeOriginalRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeOriginalRequest"
guard let data = data, let resumeDictionary = getResumeDictionary(data) else {
return nil
resumeDictionary[kResumeCurrentRequest] = correctRequestData(resumeDictionary[kResumeCurrentRequest] as? NSData)
resumeDictionary[kResumeOriginalRequest] = correctRequestData(resumeDictionary[kResumeOriginalRequest] as? NSData)
let result = try? NSPropertyListSerialization.dataWithPropertyList(resumeDictionary, format: NSPropertyListFormat.XMLFormat_v1_0, options: NSPropertyListWriteOptions())
return result
extension NSURLSession {
func correctedDownloadTaskWithResumeData(resumeData: NSData) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask {
let kResumeCurrentRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeCurrentRequest"
let kResumeOriginalRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeOriginalRequest"
let cData = correctResumeData(resumeData) ?? resumeData
let task = self.downloadTaskWithResumeData(cData)
// a compensation for inability to set task requests in CFNetwork.
// While you still get -[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: data is NULL error,
// this section will set them to real objects
if let resumeDic = getResumeDictionary(cData) {
if task.originalRequest == nil, let originalReqData = resumeDic[kResumeOriginalRequest] as? NSData, let originalRequest = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(originalReqData) as? NSURLRequest {
task.setValue(originalRequest, forKey: "originalRequest")
if task.currentRequest == nil, let currentReqData = resumeDic[kResumeCurrentRequest] as? NSData, let currentRequest = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(currentReqData) as? NSURLRequest {
task.setValue(currentRequest, forKey: "currentRequest")
return task
Swift 3:
func correct(requestData data: Data?) -> Data? {
guard let data = data else {
return nil
if NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data) != nil {
return data
guard let archive = (try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: [.mutableContainersAndLeaves], format: nil)) as? NSMutableDictionary else {
return nil
// Rectify weird __nsurlrequest_proto_props objects to $number pattern
var k = 0
while ((archive["$objects"] as? NSArray)?[1] as? NSDictionary)?.object(forKey: "$(k)") != nil {
k += 1
var i = 0
while ((archive["$objects"] as? NSArray)?[1] as? NSDictionary)?.object(forKey: "__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_(i)") != nil {
let arr = archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray
if let dic = arr?[1] as? NSMutableDictionary, let obj = dic["__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_(i)"] {
dic.setObject(obj, forKey: "$(i + k)" as NSString)
dic.removeObject(forKey: "__nsurlrequest_proto_prop_obj_(i)")
arr?[1] = dic
archive["$objects"] = arr
i += 1
if ((archive["$objects"] as? NSArray)?[1] as? NSDictionary)?.object(forKey: "__nsurlrequest_proto_props") != nil {
let arr = archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray
if let dic = arr?[1] as? NSMutableDictionary, let obj = dic["__nsurlrequest_proto_props"] {
dic.setObject(obj, forKey: "$(i + k)" as NSString)
dic.removeObject(forKey: "__nsurlrequest_proto_props")
arr?[1] = dic
archive["$objects"] = arr
/* I think we have no reason to keep this section in effect
for item in (archive["$objects"] as? NSMutableArray) ?? [] {
if let cls = item as? NSMutableDictionary, cls["$classname"] as? NSString == "NSURLRequest" {
cls["$classname"] = NSString(string: "NSMutableURLRequest")
(cls["$classes"] as? NSMutableArray)?.insert(NSString(string: "NSMutableURLRequest"), at: 0)
// Rectify weird "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey" top key to NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey = "root"
if let obj = (archive["$top"] as? NSMutableDictionary)?.object(forKey: "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey") as AnyObject? {
(archive["$top"] as? NSMutableDictionary)?.setObject(obj, forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey as NSString)
(archive["$top"] as? NSMutableDictionary)?.removeObject(forKey: "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey")
// Reencode archived object
let result = try? archive, format: PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.binary, options: PropertyListSerialization.WriteOptions())
return result
func getResumeDictionary(_ data: Data) -> NSMutableDictionary? {
// In beta versions, resumeData is NSKeyedArchive encoded instead of plist
var iresumeDictionary: NSMutableDictionary? = nil
if #available(iOS 10.0, OSX 10.12, *) {
var root : AnyObject? = nil
let keyedUnarchiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver(forReadingWith: data)
do {
root = try keyedUnarchiver.decodeTopLevelObject(forKey: "NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey") ?? nil
if root == nil {
root = try keyedUnarchiver.decodeTopLevelObject(forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey)
} catch {}
iresumeDictionary = root as? NSMutableDictionary
if iresumeDictionary == nil {
do {
iresumeDictionary = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions(), format: nil) as? NSMutableDictionary;
} catch {}
return iresumeDictionary
func correctResumeData(_ data: Data?) -> Data? {
let kResumeCurrentRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeCurrentRequest"
let kResumeOriginalRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeOriginalRequest"
guard let data = data, let resumeDictionary = getResumeDictionary(data) else {
return nil
resumeDictionary[kResumeCurrentRequest] = correct(requestData: resumeDictionary[kResumeCurrentRequest] as? Data)
resumeDictionary[kResumeOriginalRequest] = correct(requestData: resumeDictionary[kResumeOriginalRequest] as? Data)
let result = try? resumeDictionary, format: PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.xml, options: PropertyListSerialization.WriteOptions())
return result
extension URLSession {
func correctedDownloadTask(withResumeData resumeData: Data) -> URLSessionDownloadTask {
let kResumeCurrentRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeCurrentRequest"
let kResumeOriginalRequest = "NSURLSessionResumeOriginalRequest"
let cData = correctResumeData(resumeData) ?? resumeData
let task = self.downloadTask(withResumeData: cData)
// a compensation for inability to set task requests in CFNetwork.
// While you still get -[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: data is NULL error,
// this section will set them to real objects