My app supports only 2 languages - English and German. So I have such folders structure for languages strings:
When I run Lint check I get many warnings about missing languages, that my app doesn't need to support:
"some_string" is not translated in af, am, ar, be, bg, ca, cs, da, el, en-rGB, es, es-rUS, et, fa, fi, fr, hi, hr, hu, in, it, iw, ja, ko, lt, lv, ms, nb, nl, pl, pt, pt-rPT, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, sw, th, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh-rCN, zh-rTW, zu
This warnings makes very difficult to understand which strings is not translated to German language. I have to look on each warning and search for "de" symbols to understand that this string doesn't have translation to German.