I've got solution from my friend for the above said prob..
And sharing the same here..
If you are having .ttf
file then first of all open your project in eclipse and copy .ttf
file into the assets folder, which will be in your project hierarchy.
and then open .java
file where you want to use that font and just follow these steps:-
Typeface font1;
TextView txt1;
EditText edtxt;
In onCreate Method just write down this code.
/*here fonttype.ttf is the file which was copied in assets folder.*/
font1 =Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"fonttype.ttf");
txt1 =(TextView) findViewById(R.id.user_id_txt);
edtx = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText);
by this your problem will solve.
All credits goes to my friend