Finally, after several unsuccessful attempts to have SQL Server "talk to" an Access database – either as a "Linked Server" in SSMS or via OPENROWSET()
in T-SQL – I found this blog post that offered the following three (3) suggestions.
Tweak #1: OLE DB Provider settings
The OLE DB Provider for ACE (or Jet) must have the "Dynamic parameter" and "Allow inprocess" options enabled. In SSMS, open the
Server Objects > Linked Servers >Providers
branch, right-click "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" (or "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"), choose "Properties", and ensure that those options are selected:
Tweak #2: Temp folder permissions
This is the one that was stumping me.
Apparently SQL Server needs to write information into a temporary file while running an OLE DB query against an Access database. Because SQL Server is running as a service it uses the %TEMP% folder of the account under which the service is running.
If the SQL Server service is running under the built-in "Network Service" account then the temp folder is
and if it is running under the built-in "Local Service" account then the temp folder is
My problem was that SSMS was running under my account (not NETWORK SERVICE) so I only had Read access to the Temp folder
Once I granted myself Modify permissions on that folder
and enabled OPENROWSET queries as documented in another question here, namely ...
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1
... my query worked fine:
Tweak #3: memory_to_reserve
Although I didn't need to use it in my case, the aforementioned blog also claims that adjusting the "-g memory_to_reserve" startup parameter for the SQL Server service can also help avoid similar errors. To do that:
- launch SQL Server Configuration Manager
- right-click the SQL Server service ("SQL Server Services" tab) and choose "Properties"
- on the "Advanced" tab, prepend
to the "Startup Parameters" setting
- restart the SQL Server service
For more details on the "memory_to_reserve" setting see the MSDN article here.