I am trying to make a fetch request from react native, It works fine on web and returns as expected (expo web) but not on android.
I keep getting 'Network request failed' and i cant see why as its working on web. I have also tried to change the status code from a 414 to a 200 on my server so that there would be no error however this just meant no response object still but without errors.
I am calling a function that makes the request here:
async function handleSubmit() {
try {
const res = await createAccountService({name: name.value,email:email.value,password:password.value})
// alertFunction('Couldnt create account', res.error.message)
and this is where my request is being made from
export const createAccountService = async({name, email, password}) => {
try {
const timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
// const requestObject = {name, email, password, timestamp}
const requestObject ={
name: "afdsf",
timestamp: 1607548529
const unparsedResponse = await fetch(URL + "/account/createaccount", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(requestObject)
const response = await unparsedResponse.json()
// Error - Return this to the alert
// All good - safe this to the user state
return response
console.log('this is being hit');
throw e
This works find on web so i wonder if im missing some plugin or import or something?