Please find the following scenario, I've dynamic JS date format string from API but I am looking for the best way to convert the format that accepts in PHP date format. For now, I wrote it my own way but I doubt there should be a standard solution.
JS time format: YYYY-MM-DD
Need PHP format: Y-m-d
/ Y/m/d
I've written the solution this way, please let me know if you find something else in a better way than this.
function dateFormatStringConvert(string $format) : string
foreach (['-', '/'] as $operator) {
if (strpos($format, $operator) !== false) {
return implode($operator, array_map(function ($piece){
return $piece[0]=='M' || $piece[0]=='D' ? strtolower($piece[0]) : $piece[0];
}, explode($operator, $format)));
return 'm-d-Y';