I have the code below, in it I am trying to find the maximum sharpe_ratio solution to the efficient frontier. I've adapted some code I used previously to solve the knapsack problem as an mip. I'm using the cvxpy module. When I run the code, first I get repeated warnings. then it fails with error:
"loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type MulExpression which has no callable sqrt method"
I've included the code below. I've also included the warning, and error. Below that I have included sample data. Can anyone see what the issue might be and suggest how to fix it?
selection = cvxpy.Variable(len(weights), boolean=True)
# The sum of the weights should be less than or equal to P
weight_constraint = weights * selection <= current_account
def portfolio_performance(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix,period):
returns = np.sum(weights*mean_returns.T)*period
std = np.sqrt(np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(cov_matrix, weights))) * np.sqrt(period)
return std, returns
def sharpe_ratio(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix, risk_free_rate,period):
p_var, p_ret = portfolio_performance(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix,period)
return (p_ret - risk_free_rate) / p_var
mean_returns = df.mean()
cov_matrix = df.cov()
risk_free_rate = 0.0
# Our total utility is the sum of the item utilities
# total_utility = utilities * selection
total_utility = sharpe_ratio(weights=selection,
# We tell cvxpy that we want to maximize total utility
# subject to weight_constraint. All constraints in
# cvxpy must be passed as a list
knapsack_problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(total_utility), [weight_constraint])
# Solving the problem
This use of ``*`` has resulted in matrix multiplication.
Using ``*`` for matrix multiplication has been deprecated since CVXPY 1.1.
Use ``*`` for matrix-scalar and vector-scalar multiplication.
Use ``@`` for matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication.
Use ``multiply`` for elementwise multiplication.
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
AttributeError: 'MulExpression' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-122-35839b05103e> in <module>
49 cov_matrix=cov_matrix,
50 risk_free_rate=risk_free_rate,
---> 51 period=df.shape[0])
<ipython-input-122-35839b05103e> in sharpe_ratio(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix, risk_free_rate, period)
27 def sharpe_ratio(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix, risk_free_rate,period):
---> 28 p_var, p_ret = portfolio_performance(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix,period)
29 return (p_ret - risk_free_rate) / p_var
<ipython-input-122-35839b05103e> in portfolio_performance(weights, mean_returns, cov_matrix, period)
22 # returns = 5
23 print('std')
---> 24 std = np.sqrt(np.dot(weights.T, np.dot(cov_matrix, weights))) * np.sqrt(period)
25 return std, returns
TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type MulExpression which has no callable sqrt method
[171.35499572753906, 108.7699966430664, 104.56999969482422, 271.70001220703125, 253.1499938964844, 79.58999633789062, 479.6099853515625, 92.48999786376952, 152.24000549316406, 20.6299991607666, 159.17999267578125, 184.97999572753903, 41.2599983215332, 61.889997482299805, 82.5199966430664, 103.14999580383301, 123.77999496459961, 144.4099941253662, 165.0399932861328, 185.6699924468994]
sample data:
0 175.869995 107.610001 103.809998 264.899994 248.520004 76.190002
1 175.714996 107.355003 103.889999 265.589996 248.429993 76.690002
2 176.135696 107.330002 104.010002 265.720001 249.085007 76.870003
3 175.979996 107.415001 104.080002 265.910004 248.845001 77.010002
4 176.350006 107.500000 103.849998 264.160004 249.603195 76.900002
5 176.240005 107.245003 103.830002 262.910004 249.520004 76.629997
6 176.700699 106.940002 103.839996 262.954987 249.100006 76.110001
7 176.154999 106.820000 103.846497 262.595001 249.380005 76.339996
8 176.550003 107.029999 103.955002 264.269989 249.645004 76.379997
9 176.360001 106.809998 103.879997 263.559998 250.220001 76.430000
10 176.804993 106.839996 103.824997 263.179993 250.139999 76.190002
11 176.955002 106.699997 103.919998 NaN 249.520004 76.125000
12 177.130005 106.684998 103.914597 263.209991 249.904999 76.019997
13 176.860001 106.394997 103.769997 262.945007 249.869995 75.974998
14 176.630005 106.500000 103.800003 262.850006 249.509995 76.070000
15 176.580002 106.570000 103.930000 262.549988 249.770004 76.264000
16 176.570007 106.605003 103.870003 262.399994 249.970001 76.059998
17 176.690002 106.599998 103.860001 261.804993 249.410004 76.040001
18 176.520004 106.790001 103.930000 261.929993 249.750000 76.074997
19 176.845001 106.610001 103.959999 262.070007 249.279999 75.980003
20 176.660004 106.599998 103.955002 261.575012 248.865005 76.029999
21 176.550003 106.699997 103.870003 262.505005 248.850006 76.089996
22 176.500000 106.660004 103.769997 NaN 248.940002 76.110001
23 176.309998 106.669998 103.680000 262.200012 248.699997 76.250000
24 176.315994 106.724998 103.690002 262.200012 249.020004 76.449997
25 176.315002 106.690002 103.660004 NaN 249.065002 76.297600
26 176.279999 106.510002 103.698997 NaN 248.809998 76.360001
27 176.424606 106.543198 103.690002 262.595001 248.940002 76.339996
28 176.660004 106.612900 103.739998 NaN 248.931793 76.279999
29 176.722794 106.500000 103.660004 263.070007 249.149994 76.339996
30 176.570007 106.419998 103.680000 263.690002 249.289993 76.535004
31 176.686996 106.459999 103.794998 264.470001 249.330002 76.500000
32 176.350006 106.433998 103.760002 264.260010 249.384995 76.559998
33 176.369995 106.699997 103.629997 NaN 249.509995 76.519997
34 176.160004 106.540001 103.709999 263.910004 249.369995 76.459999
35 176.037598 106.332001 103.669998 NaN 249.050003 76.485001
36 175.919998 106.379997 103.614998 264.209991 249.410004 76.480003
37 175.899994 106.239998 103.730003 264.209991 249.429993 76.440002
38 176.490005 106.160004 103.892700 264.200012 249.910004 76.290001
39 176.509995 106.260002 103.949997 264.584991 249.970001 76.385002
40 176.289993 106.459999 103.809998 264.559998 249.839996 76.440002
41 176.619995 106.519997 103.910004 NaN 249.919998 76.320000
42 176.350006 106.410004 103.830002 264.609985 250.009995 76.290001
43 176.350006 106.425003 103.860001 264.540009 249.985001 76.260002
44 176.270004 106.339996 103.870003 264.785004 249.860001 76.199898
45 176.179993 106.360001 103.860001 264.500000 249.899994 76.106300
46 176.205002 106.360001 103.834999 264.179993 249.759995 76.139999
47 176.119995 106.389999 103.820000 264.519989 249.645004 76.120003
48 176.251999 106.195000 103.800003 264.670013 249.740005 76.137802
49 176.300003 106.239998 103.750000 264.839996 249.589996 76.114998
0 467.489990 86.769997 150.009995 21.125000 152.380005 173.539993
1 470.070007 87.209999 149.005005 21.004999 153.380005 174.419998
2 469.512085 87.220001 148.613098 21.000000 153.740005 174.440002
3 468.850006 87.070000 148.529999 21.020000 154.020004 174.139999
4 470.535004 87.550003 148.865005 21.075001 153.800003 175.100006
5 470.410004 87.550102 148.830002 21.010000 153.259995 175.100204
6 468.819885 87.129997 147.990005 20.995001 152.220001 174.259995
7 469.279999 86.714897 148.070007 20.940001 152.679993 173.429794
8 469.070007 87.078102 148.529999 20.990000 152.759995 174.156204
9 469.459991 86.820000 148.369995 20.955000 152.860001 173.639999
10 468.929993 86.739899 148.250000 21.010000 152.380005 173.479797
11 466.700012 86.419998 148.190002 20.973499 152.250000 172.839996
12 466.329987 86.339996 148.339996 21.040001 152.039993 172.679993
13 467.734985 86.519997 148.550003 20.940001 151.949997 173.039993
14 466.630005 86.110001 148.270004 20.940001 152.139999 172.220001
15 467.480011 86.180000 147.669998 20.870001 152.528000 172.360001
16 467.075012 85.889999 147.539993 20.840000 152.119995 171.779999
17 467.070007 85.980003 147.384995 20.834999 152.080002 171.960007
18 468.390015 86.199898 147.479996 20.875000 152.149994 172.399796
19 467.600006 86.309998 147.570999 20.915001 151.960007 172.619995
20 468.369995 86.520103 147.804993 20.889999 152.059998 173.040207
21 467.644989 86.431999 147.850006 20.934999 152.179993 172.863998
22 467.480011 86.363297 148.335007 20.934999 152.220001 172.726593
23 467.750000 86.410004 148.735001 20.969999 152.500000 172.820007
24 468.375000 86.529999 148.682999 21.019899 152.899994 173.059998
25 467.540009 86.211700 148.360001 21.075001 152.595200 172.423401
26 466.230011 86.075600 148.735001 21.080000 152.720001 172.151199
27 466.200012 86.139397 148.820007 21.063299 152.679993 172.278793
28 466.359985 86.121696 149.179993 21.098000 152.559998 172.243393
29 466.440002 86.184998 149.414993 21.084999 152.679993 172.369995
30 467.220001 86.260002 149.639999 21.090000 153.070007 172.520004
31 466.920013 86.309998 149.770004 21.129999 153.000000 172.619995
32 467.579987 86.364998 149.365005 21.155001 153.119995 172.729996
33 467.890015 86.514397 149.580002 21.115000 153.039993 173.028793
34 468.174988 86.565002 149.595001 21.075001 152.919998 173.130005
35 467.820007 86.540001 149.330002 21.059999 152.970001 173.080002
36 467.589996 86.660004 149.330002 21.049999 152.960007 173.320007
37 467.530090 86.620003 149.990005 21.030001 152.880005 173.240005
38 467.070007 86.940002 149.460007 21.030001 152.580002 173.880005
39 466.899994 87.050003 149.740005 20.950100 152.770004 174.100006
40 466.660004 87.124397 149.559998 20.915001 152.880005 174.248795
41 466.899994 87.203400 149.589996 20.969999 152.639999 174.406799
42 468.149994 87.279999 149.710007 20.969999 152.580002 174.559998
43 469.116211 87.264999 149.839996 20.995001 152.520004 174.529999
44 469.210785 87.235001 149.850006 20.920000 152.399796 174.470001
45 469.052795 87.370003 149.839996 20.910000 152.212601 174.740005
46 469.279