Instead of CGFLOAT_MAX for the max height of your text calculation, try getting the size of one line with this:
[_price.text sizeWithFont:_price.font].height
and then multiplying that by the maximum # of lines you want, then plugging that into the height of the size you are constraining yourself to. It'd probably look like this:
_price = [[UILabel alloc] init];
_price.text = myPriceValue;
_price.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
_price.numberOfLines = 3;
_price.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
_price.textColor = TTSTYLEVAR(colorPrice);
CGFloat lineHeight = [_price.text sizeWithFont:_price.font].height;
CGSize priceSize = [_price.text sizeWithFont:_price.font
constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(maxWidth, lineHeight * _price.numberOfLines)
Don't use this if you ever set number of lines to 0 as your max height will be 0 in that case; you should use CGFLOAT_MAX then.