Well, I just answered something like this here, but I didn't really go into detail on the deep-reverse.
What happens is it reverses each item that happens to be a list before appending it to the end of the list. Imagine what would happen if it didn't call deep-reverse on the car of the list: (reverse '(a (b c d) e)
'(b c d)
With deep-reverse it would look something like
(deep-reverse '(b c d))
Which is
'(d c b)
Here is another version of deep-reverse, written differently, if that makes it clearer.
(define (deep-reverse ls)
(define (deep-reverse-2 ls acc)
(if (null? ls)
(if (list? (car ls))
(deep-reverse-2 (cdr ls) (cons (deep-reverse (car ls)) acc)); If adding a list, reverse it first
(deep-reverse-2 (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) acc)))))
(deep-reverse-2 ls '()))
This version of deep-copy uses an accumulator and is tail recursive.
This checks to see if the element is a list before adding it to the list, and if it is, reverses it first. Since it calls itself to revers the inner list, it can handle arbitrary nesting.
(deep-reverse '(a (b c d) e)) -> '(e (d c b) a)
which is in reverse alphabetical order, despite the fact that there is a nested list. It evaluates as so:
(deep-reverse-2 '(a (b c d) e) '()); Which calls
(deep-reverse-2 '((b c d) e) '(a)); which is the same as
(deep-reverse-2 '(e) (cons (deep-reverse-2 '(b c d) '()) '(a))); it calls deep-reverse on the list '(b c d) before consing it on.
(deep-reverse-2 '(e) (cons (deep-reverse-2 '(c d) '(b)) '(a)))
(deep-reverse-2 '(e) (cons (deep-reverse-2 '(d) '(c b)) '(a)))
(deep-reverse-2 '(e) (cons '(d c b) '(a)))
(deep-reverse-2 '(e) '((d c b) a))
(deep-reverse-2 '() '(e (d c b) a))
'(e (d c b) a)