Hi I am trying to scrape the Product name (Cohiba Robusto), Product Size (Single Cigar, Pack of 3, Box of 25) and prices (£33.65, £90, £730) from this website: https://www.jjfox.co.uk/cohiba-robusto-621.html
I am trying to get something like this:
I am using the code below, which gives an error ("Object variable or with variable not set").
Will appreciate any help with this.
Sub getproducts()
Dim oHtml As HTMLDocument
Dim oElement As Object
Dim Elements As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Document As HTMLDocument
Set oHtml = New HTMLDocument
'Cells(1, 6) = Time()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
cnt = lastrow + 1
counter1 = cnt
Dim gg As String
gg = "https://www.jjfox.co.uk/cohiba-robusto-621.html"
Dim objHTTP As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
url = gg
objHTTP.Open "POST", url, False
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
objHTTP.send ("{""key"":null,""from"":""me@me.com"",""to"":null,""cc"":null,""bcc"":null,""date"":null,""subject"":""My Subject"",""body"":null,""attachments"":null}")
oHtml.body.innerHTML = objHTTP.responseText
'Cells(rw, 2) = oHtml.getElementsByTagName("description").innerText
' If Not .Document.querySelector("button[aria-label='Close']") Is Nothing Then
' .Document.querySelector("button[aria-label='Close']").Click
' End If
txttitle = oHtml.getElementsByClassName("productcart")(0).innerText
txttitlehtml = oHtml.getElementsByClassName("packsize")(0).innerHTML
txttitle = Mid(txttitle, 1, InStr(1, txttitle, Chr(10)))
'Debug.Print txttitlehtml
'txttitle2 = oHtml.getElementsByClassName("price")(0).innerText
Dim Text As String
Text = GetHTML(gg)
starts = InStr(1, Text, "spConfig =")
endS = InStr(starts + 1, Text, "spConfig")
If starts = 0 Then
Cells(counter1, 1) = txttitle
Cells(counter1, 2) = "Single"
starts = InStr(starts + 1, Text, "productPrice")
endl = InStr(starts + 1, Text, ",")
Cells(counter1, 3) = Val(Mid(Text, starts + 14, endl - (starts + 14)))
Cells(counter1, 4) = "JJFox"
Cells(counter1, 5) = Now()
Cells(counter1, 7) = gg ' link to the page
counter1 = counter1 + 1
Text = Mid(Text, starts, endS - starts)
'Debug.Print Text
'find how many pack options are avaialble
myTxt = Text
countTxt = "label"
bb = (Len(myTxt) - Len(replace(myTxt, countTxt, ""))) / Len(countTxt) - 1
'End find////////////////////////////////////
varlabel = "class=" & Chr(34) & "label" & Chr(34)
starts = InStr(1, Text, "label") + 1
Text = Mid(Text, starts, Len(Text))
For i = 1 To bb
starts = InStr(1, Text, "label")
If InStr(starts, Text, "label") Then
'Show the element's properties
Cells(counter1, 1) = txttitle
Cells(counter1, 2) = Mid(Text, starts + 8, InStr(starts, Text, " ") - (starts + 8))
starts = InStr(starts + 1, Text, "oldPrice")
endl = InStr(starts + 1, Text, ",")
Cells(counter1, 3).FormulaR1C1 = Val(Mid(Text, starts + 11, endl - (starts + 11)))
'Debug.Print Val(Mid(Text, startS + chrs, 6))
Cells(counter1, 4) = "JJFox"
Cells(counter1, 5) = Now()
starts = starts + 1
Text = Mid(Text, starts, Len(Text))
Cells(counter1, 7) = gg ' link to the page
counter1 = counter1 + 1
End If
Next i
End If
'Cells(2, 6) = Time()
End Sub
Function GetHTML(url As String) As String
With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
.Open "GET", url, False
GetHTML = .responseText
End With
End Function
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