I build my app store icons using imagemagick. The process has been working for years with imagemagick6. The final step in the icon building proceed is to composite a blue square with white text and a rounded white rectangle. When I upgraded to imagemagick7, the final step produced a rounded black icon with white text. Here's the code in my shell script:
# build a file with the two text lines centered with different, large point sizes for each
# then resize to the proper width
-gravity center
-background transparent
-fill white
-font ArialB
-pointsize ${TEXTSIZE} label:"${TEXT}"
-pointsize ${TEXT2SIZE} label:"${TEXT2}"
-resize $TEXTWIDTH
# build a background image with a radial gradient
-gravity center
-size ${ICONSIZE}x${ICONSIZE} radial-gradient:"rgb(0,50,255)"-"rgb(0,0,127)"
# combine the two
-gravity center
tmpText.png tmpBase.png $FILENAME
In imagemagick7 the final two files tmpText.png and tmpBase.png look correct, but the output does not. I tried several variations of the compositing step to no avail. I finally downgraded back to imagemagick6, and things started working again, but that's not a long-term solution. Any ideas?