Bootstrap requires that columns be children of rows.
You are using a div element for your columns, but are wrapping it an anchor element and then making that anchor a child of the row.
Either put the anchor inside the div, or make the anchor the column in the first place.
… your rows need to be in a container too, not a container in their own right.
<link rel=stylesheet href="">
<div class="container">
<div class="row bg-light">
<a href='com.php?id=$result[id]' style='text-decoration:none; ' class='col-sm-3 bg-white border rounded shadow'>
<div class='bg- m-2 text-center'>
<h3 class=''>$result[name]</h3>
<h6 class=''>$result[discription]</h6>
<h2 class='text-danger link'>Rs $result[price]</h2>
<Button class='btn bg-success '>Order</button>
<Button class='btn bg-danger '>Add to Cart</button>
<a href='com.php?id=$result[id]' style='text-decoration:none; ' class='col-sm-3 bg-white border rounded shadow'>
<div class='bg- m-2 text-center'>
<h3 class=''>$result[name]</h3>
<h6 class=''>$result[discription]</h6>
<h2 class='text-danger link'>Rs $result[price]</h2>
<Button class='btn bg-success '>Order</button>
<Button class='btn bg-danger '>Add to Cart</button>
<a href='com.php?id=$result[id]' style='text-decoration:none; ' class='col-sm-3 bg-white border rounded shadow'>
<div class='bg- m-2 text-center'>
<h3 class=''>$result[name]</h3>
<h6 class=''>$result[discription]</h6>
<h2 class='text-danger link'>Rs $result[price]</h2>
<Button class='btn bg-success '>Order</button>
<Button class='btn bg-danger '>Add to Cart</button>
<a href='com.php?id=$result[id]' style='text-decoration:none; ' class='col-sm-3 bg-white border rounded shadow'>
<div class='bg- m-2 text-center'>
<h3 class=''>$result[name]</h3>
<h6 class=''>$result[discription]</h6>
<h2 class='text-danger link'>Rs $result[price]</h2>
<Button class='btn bg-success '>Order</button>
<Button class='btn bg-danger '>Add to Cart</button>