unit utMyword; (* By 闫磊 编写 2004.09.06 Email:landgis@126.com yanleigis@21cn.com *) interface uses word2000, ActiveX, Variants, Dialogs, SysUtils; type TMyWord = class(TObject) private FWord: TWordApplication; //word对象 FDoc: TWordDocument; //文档对象 procedure connectword(); public //换行 procedure AddReturn(); //设置字体 procedure SetFont(FontName: string; FontSize: Integer; FontBold: Boolean = False; FontUnderline: Boolean = False); //插入表格 function AddTable(Col, Row: Integer): Table; //设置背景色 procedure SetTableBack(BackColor: ToleEnum); //鼠标下移 procedure MoveDown(num: Integer = 1); //选择下移 procedure SelectDown(num: Integer = 1); //鼠标上移 procedure Moveup(); //鼠标右移 procedure MoveRight(num: Integer = 1); //选择右移 procedure SelectRight(num: Integer = 1); //写字 procedure WriteText(Text: string); //按样式插入一行记录 //如AddLine "备注","正文" //AddLine 'kk',"标题 1" procedure AddLine(S: string; PStyle: olevariant); procedure AlignLine(Align: ToleEnum); //插入分页符 procedure insertPage(); //插入插入页码 procedure insertPagenum(); //插入日期 procedure insertDate(); //设置表格一列宽度 procedure SetTable(PTable: Table; ColumnIdx: Integer; Width: Integer); //设置表格一列高度 procedure SetTableheight(PTable: Table; RowIdx: Integer; height: Integer); //插入目录 procedure InsertContents(); //创立书签 procedure createBookMark(BookMarkName: string); //移动到标签 procedure GotoBookMark(BookMarkName: string); //粘贴 procedure paste(); //替换 procedure Replace(Source, Target: string); //保存 procedure Save(FileName: string); //插入图片 procedure AddPicture(FileName: string); //移到最后 procedure MoveEnd(); //合并 procedure CellsMerge(); constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; //function Myword: TMyWord; implementation //var // FMyWord: TMyWord; {function Myword: TMyWord; begin if FMyWord = nil then begin FMyWord := TMyWord.Create; end; Result := FMyWord; end; } constructor TMyWord.Create(); begin inherited Create; connectword(); // end; procedure TMyWord.connectword(); var B: Boolean; begin B := False; if (FWord = nil) then B := True else begin try FDoc.Activate; except B := True; end; end; if not B then Exit; FWord := TWordApplication.Create(nil); //word对象 FDoc := TWordDocument.Create(nil); //文档对象 FWord.Connect; FDoc.Activate; FWord.Visible := True; end; destructor TMyWord.Destroy; begin // //FDoc.SaveAs('c:/1.doc'); FDoc.Free; FWord.Disconnect; //退出一定退出word,by yl 2005.2.2 //FWord.Quit; //FWord.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TMyWord.AddReturn(); begin try FWord.Selection.TypeParagraph; except AddReturn(); end; end; procedure TMyWord.SetFont(FontName: string; FontSize: Integer; FontBold: Boolean = False; FontUnderline: Boolean = False); begin try //connectword(); FWord.Selection.Font.Name := FontName; FWord.Selection.Font.Size := FontSize; if FontBold then FWord.Selection.Font.Bold := wdToggle; if FontUnderline then FWord.Selection.Font.Underline := wdUnderlineSingle; except SetFont(FontName, FontSize, FontBold, FontUnderline); end; end; //插入表格 function TMyWord.AddTable(Col, Row: Integer): Table; var DefaultTable: olevariant; begin try //connectword(); DefaultTable := 1; Result := FDoc.Tables.Add(FWord.Selection.Range, Row, Col, DefaultTable, EmptyParam); except ShowMessage(Format('列%d,行%d', [Col, Row])); AddTable(Col, Row); end; end; //设置背景色 procedure TMyWord.SetTableBack(BackColor: ToleEnum); begin try //connectword(); FWord.Selection.Cells.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor := BackColor; except SetTableBack(BackColor); end; end; //选择下移 procedure TMyWord.SelectDown(num: Integer = 1); var Unit_: olevariant; Count: olevariant; Extend: olevariant; begin try //connectword(); Count := num; Unit_ := wdLine; Extend := wdExtend; FWord.Selection.MoveDown(Unit_, Count, Extend); except MoveDown(); end; end; //鼠标下移 procedure TMyWord.MoveDown(num: Integer = 1); var Unit_: olevariant; Count: olevariant; Extend: olevariant; begin try //connectword(); Count := num; Unit_ := wdLine; FWord.Selection.MoveDown(Unit_, Count, Extend); except MoveDown(); end; end; //鼠标上移 procedure TMyWord.Moveup(); var Unit_: olevariant; Count: olevariant; Extend: olevariant; begin Unit_ := wdLine; Count := 1; FWord.Selection.Moveup(Unit_, Count, Extend); end; //选择右移 procedure TMyWord.SelectRight(num: Integer = 1); var Unit_: olevariant; Count: olevariant; Extend: olevariant; begin try //connectword(); Unit_ := wdCharacter; Count := num; Extend := wdExtend; FWord.Selection.MoveRight(Unit_, Count, Extend); except MoveRight(); end; end; //鼠标右移 procedure TMyWord.MoveRight(num: Integer = 1); var Unit_: olevariant; Count: olevariant; Extend: olevariant; begin try //connectword(); Unit_ := wdCell; Count := num; FWord.Selection.MoveRight(Unit_, Count, Extend); except MoveRight(); end; end; //写字 procedure TMyWord.WriteText(Text: string); begin try //connectword(); FWord.Selection.TypeText(Text); except //防止呼叫失败 WriteText(Text); end; end; //按样式插入一行记录 //如AddLine "备注","正文" //AddLine 'kk',"标题 1" procedure TMyWord.AddLine(S: string; PStyle: olevariant); procedure SetStyle(PStyle: olevariant); var outStyle: Style; v: olevariant; begin outStyle := FWord.ActiveDocument.Styles.Item(PStyle); v := outStyle; FWord.Selection.Set_Style(v); end; begin WriteText(S); //加入一行 try SetStyle(PStyle); except SetStyle(PStyle); end; end; procedure TMyWord.AlignLine(Align: ToleEnum); begin FWord.Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment := Align; end; //插入分页符 procedure TMyWord.insertPage(); var _Type: olevariant; begin _Type := 7; FWord.Selection.InsertBreak(_Type); end; //插入日期 procedure TMyWord.insertDate(); var DateTimeFormat: olevariant; InsertAsField: olevariant; InsertAsFullWidth: olevariant; DateLanguage: olevariant; CalendarType: olevariant; begin try InsertAsField := False; InsertAsFullWidth := False; DateTimeFormat := 'yyyy''年''M''月''d''日'''; DateLanguage := wdSimplifiedChinese; CalendarType := wdCalendarWestern; FWord.Selection.InsertDateTime(DateTimeFormat, InsertAsField, InsertAsFullWidth, DateLanguage, CalendarType); except insertDate(); end; end; //插入页码 procedure TMyWord.insertPagenum(); var PSection: Section; PageNumberAlignment: olevariant; FirstPage: olevariant; begin PSection := FWord.Selection.Sections.Item(1); PageNumberAlignment := 1; //中间 FirstPage := True; PSection.Footers.Item(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).PageNumbers.Add(PageNumberAlignment, FirstPage); end; //设置表格一列高度 procedure TMyWord.SetTableheight(PTable: Table; RowIdx: Integer; height: Integer); var Prow: Row; begin Prow := PTable.Rows.Item(RowIdx); Prow.SetHeight(height, wdAdjustNone); end; //设置表格一列宽度 procedure TMyWord.SetTable(PTable: Table; ColumnIdx: Integer; Width: Integer); begin PTable.Columns.Item(ColumnIdx).SetWidth(Width, wdAdjustNone); end; //插入目录 procedure TMyWord.InsertContents(); var pRange: Range; UseHeadingStyles: olevariant; UpperHeadingLevel: olevariant; LowerHeadingLevel: olevariant; UseFields: olevariant; TableID: olevariant; RightAlignPageNumbers: olevariant; IncludePageNumbers: olevariant; AddedStyles: olevariant; UseHyperlinks: olevariant; HidePageNumbersInWeb: olevariant; begin with FWord.ActiveDocument do begin pRange := FWord.Selection.Range; RightAlignPageNumbers := True; UseHeadingStyles := True; UpperHeadingLevel := 1; LowerHeadingLevel := 3; IncludePageNumbers := True; UseHyperlinks := True; HidePageNumbersInWeb := True; TablesOfContents.Add(pRange, UseHeadingStyles, UpperHeadingLevel, LowerHeadingLevel, UseFields, TableID, RightAlignPageNumbers, IncludePageNumbers, AddedStyles, UseHyperlinks, HidePageNumbersInWeb); TablesOfContents.Item(1).TabLeader := wdTabLeaderDots; TablesOfContents.Format := wdIndexIndent; end; end; //创立书签 procedure TMyWord.createBookMark(BookMarkName: string); var pRange: olevariant; begin pRange := FWord.Selection.Range; with FWord.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks do begin Add(BookMarkName, pRange); DefaultSorting := wdSortByName; ShowHidden := False; end; end; //移动到标签 procedure TMyWord.GotoBookMark(BookMarkName: string); var What: olevariant; Which: olevariant; Count: olevariant; Name: olevariant; begin What := wdGoToBookmark; Name := 'BEGIN'; FWord.Selection.GoTo_(What, Which, Count, Name) end; //粘贴 procedure TMyWord.paste(); begin FWord.Selection.paste; end; //替换 procedure TMyWord.Replace(Source, Target: string); var FindText: olevariant; PWrap: olevariant; ReplaceWith: olevariant; Replace: olevariant; begin FWord.Selection.Find.ClearFormatting; FWord.Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting; FindText := Source; PWrap := wdFindContinue; ReplaceWith := Target; Replace := wdReplaceAll; with FWord.Selection.Find do begin {Text := source; Replacement.Text := Target; forward := True; Wrap := wdFindContinue; Format := False; MatchCase := False; MatchWholeWord := False; MatchByte := True; MatchWildcards := False; MatchSoundsLike := False; MatchAllWordForms := False; } Execute(FindText, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, PWrap, EmptyParam, ReplaceWith, Replace, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam); end; end; //保存 procedure TMyWord.Save(FileName: string); var OFilename: olevariant; begin OFilename := FileName; FDoc.SaveAs(OFilename); end; //插入图片 procedure TMyWord.AddPicture(FileName: string); var LinkToFile, SaveWithDocument, Range: olevariant; //index: olevariant; begin //index := 0; //Range := FDoc.Bookmarks.Item(index).Range; //Range:=Fdoc.GoTo_; Range := Self.FWord.Selection.Range; LinkToFile := False; SaveWithDocument := True; FWord.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName, LinkToFile, SaveWithDocument, Range) end; //移到最后 procedure TMyWord.MoveEnd(); var Unit_: olevariant; Extend: olevariant; begin Unit_ := wdStory; Extend := wdMove; FWord.Selection.EndKey(Unit_, Extend); end; //合并 procedure TMyWord.CellsMerge(); begin FWord.Selection.Cells.Merge; end; initialization finalization { if FMyWord <> nil then FMyWord.Free; } end.
unit utMyword; (* By 闫磊编写 2004.09.06 Email:landgis@126.com yanleigis@21cn.com *) interface uses word2000, ActiveX, Variants, Dialogs, SysUtils; type TMyWord = class(TObject) private FWord: TWordApplication; //word对象 FDoc: TWordDocument; //文档对象 procedure connectword(); public //换行 procedure AddReturn(); //设置字体 procedure SetFont(FontName: string; FontSize: Integer; FontBold: Boolean = False; FontUnderline: Boolean = False); //插入表格 function AddTable(Col, Row: Integer): Table; //设置背景色 procedure SetTableBack(BackColor: ToleEnum); //鼠标下移 procedure MoveDown(num: Integer = 1); //选择下移 procedure SelectDown(num: Integer = 1); //鼠标上移 procedure Moveup(); //鼠标右移 procedure MoveRight(num: Integer = 1); //选择右移 procedure SelectRight(num: Integer = 1); //写字 procedure WriteText(Text: string); //按样式插入一行记录 //如AddLine "备注","正文" //AddLine 'kk',"标题 1" procedure AddLine(S: string; PStyle: olevariant); procedure AlignLine(Align: ToleEnum); //插入分页符 procedure insertPage(); //插入插入页码 procedure insertPagenum(); //插入日期 procedure insertDate(); //设置表格一列宽度 procedure SetTable(PTable: Table; ColumnIdx: Integer; Width: Integer); //设置表格一列高度 procedure SetTableheight(PTable: Table; RowIdx: Integer; height: Integer); //插入目录 procedure InsertContents(); //创立书签 procedure createBookMark(BookMarkName: string); //移动到标签 procedure GotoBookMark(BookMarkName: string); //粘贴 procedure paste(); //替换 procedure Replace(Source, Target: string); //保存 procedure Save(FileName: string); //插入图片 procedure AddPicture(FileName: string); //移到最后 procedure MoveEnd(); //合并 procedure CellsMerge(); constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end;
//function Myword: TMyWord; implementation //var // FMyWord: TMyWord; {function Myword: TMyWord; begin if FMyWord = nil then begin FMyWord := TMyWord.Create; end;
Result := FMyWord; end;
} constructor TMyWord.Create(); begin inherited Create; connectword(); // end;
procedure TMyWord.connectword(); var B: Boolean;
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