开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):deanveloper/KotlinPlugin开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/deanveloper/KotlinPlugin开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Kotlin 100.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Kotlin makes things easierLet's take a look at each basic plugin subsystem... ListenersNull SafetyListeners are pretty similar to how we do them in Java. Although in some events, String s = "Unnamed";
if(e.hasItem() && e.getItem().hasItemMeta() && e.getItem().getItemMeta().hasDisplayName()) {
s = e.getItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName();
} can be condensed all the way down to a single line of code: val s = e.item?.itemMeta?.displayName ?: "Unnamed" Infix FunctionsInfix functions makes code look much cleaner. Take a common operation done in PlayerMoveEvent, making it so that the calculation is only done if the player moves a block. Normally what you would see is... Location from = e.getFrom();
Location to = e.getTo();
if(!(from.getBlockX() == to.getBlockX() && from.getBlockY() == to.getBlockY() && from.getBlockZ() == to.getBlockZ())) {
} Some people would make it look a bit cleaner by doing this... public boolean equalsBlock(Location from, Location to) {
return from.getBlockX() == to.getBlockX() && from.getBlockY() == to.getBlockY() && from.getBlockZ() == to.getBlockZ()
public void onMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) {
if(!equalsBlock(e.getFrom(), e.getTo()) {
} But with Kotlin, we can make it look even CLEANER with an infix function! infix fun Location.equalsBlock(other: Location) =
this.blockX == other.blockX && this.blockY == other.blockY && this.blockZ == other.blockZ
public fun onMove(e: PlayerMoveEvent) {
if(!(e.from equalsBlock e.to)) {
} (File for reference: KotlinListener.kt) CommandsEchoCommands are now also much easier. An echo command can be made in one line without use of other external libraries (such as google guava's (File for reference: KotlinEchoCmd.kt) Safe CastingAlso, Kotlin has safe casting as well. This makes running player-specific funtions on a (sender as? Player)?.chat("I just ran the /player command!") ?: sender?.sendMessage("You aren't a player :(") (File for reference: KotlinPlayerCmd.kt) Before you say I missed something...Check out the wiki EpilogueI hope you found this useful! Kotlin is very useful for creating Bukkit plugins, and I hope to see some really cool plugins in the future made with this language. If you found this useful, feel free to star the repo and check it out whenever you want. I'll definitely add more to it in the future! |