Reflector is a Kubernetes addon designed to monitor changes to resources (secrets and configmaps) and reflect changes to mirror resources in the same or other namespaces.
Add "true" to the resource annotations to permit reflection to mirrors.
Add "<list>" to the resource annotations to permit reflection from only the list of comma separated namespaces or regular expressions. Note: If this annotation is omitted or is empty, all namespaces are allowed.
Automatic mirror creation:
Reflector can create mirrors with the same name in other namespaces automatically. The following annotations control if and how the mirrors are created:
Add "true" to the resource annotations to automatically create mirrors in other namespaces. Note: Requires to be true since mirrors need to able to reflect the source.
Add "<list>" to the resource annotations specify in which namespaces to automatically create mirrors. Note: If this annotation is omitted or is empty, all namespaces are allowed. Namespaces in this list will also be checked by since mirrors need to be in namespaces from where reflection is permitted.
Important: If the source is deleted, automatic mirrors are deleted. Also if either reflection or automirroring is turned off or the automatic mirror's namespace is no longer a valid match for the allowed namespaces, the automatic mirror is deleted.
Important: Reflector will skip any conflicting resource when creating auto-mirrors. If there is already a resource with the source's name in a namespace where an automatic mirror is to be created, that namespace is skipped and logged as a warning.
Add "<source namespace>/<source name>" to the mirror object. The value of the annotation is the full name of the source object in namespace/name format.
Note: Add "" to the resource annotations when doing any manual changes to the mirror (for example when deploying with helm or re-applying the deployment script). This will reset the reflected version of the mirror.