"kubectl apply -f filename" |
To create a deployment/service/configmap based on a given YAML file |
"kubectl get all" |
To get all the components inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pods" |
To get all the pods details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pod pod-id" |
To get the details of a given pod id |
"kubectl describe pod pod-id" |
To get more details of a given pod id |
"kubectl delete pod pod-id" |
To delete a given pod from cluster |
"kubectl get services" |
To get all the services details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get service service-id" |
To get the details of a given service id |
"kubectl describe service service-id" |
To get more details of a given service id |
"kubectl get nodes" |
To get all the node details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get node node-id" |
To get the details of a given node |
"kubectl get replicasets" |
To get all the replica sets details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get replicaset replicaset-id" |
To get the details of a given replicaset |
"kubectl get deployments" |
To get all the deployments details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get deployment deployment-id" |
To get the details of a given deployment |
"kubectl get configmaps" |
To get all the configmap details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get configmap configmap-id" |
To get the details of a given configmap |
"kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp" |
To get all the events occured inside your cluster |
"kubectl scale deployment accounts-deployment --replicas=3" |
To increase the number of replicas for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl set image deployment accounts-deployment accounts=eazybytes/accounts:k8s" |
To set a new image for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl rollout history deployment accounts-deployment" |
To know the rollout history for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl rollout undo deployment accounts-deployment --to-revision=1" |
To rollback to a given revision for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl autoscale deployment accounts-deployment --min=3 --max=10 --cpu-percent=70" |
To create automatic scaling using HPA for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl logs node-id" |
To get a logs of a given node inside your cluster |