开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):eficode-academy/kubernetes-katas开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/eficode-academy/kubernetes-katas开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Shell 83.4%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):kubernetes-katasA selection of exercises for Kubernetes (K8s). The exercises are ordered in the way we think it makes sense to introduce Kubernetes concepts. There are three variants of the ingress exercise - one of them is Google Kubernetes Engine (gke) specific, whereas the two others are generic and should work on any Kubernetes cluster. You can find a summary of many of the commands used in the exercises in the cheatsheet.md. Setup
Exerciseskubectl autocompletionOn Linux, using bash, run the following commands: $ echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc The commands above will enable kubectl autocompletion when you start a new bash session and source (reload) bashrc i.e. enable kubectl autocompletion in your current session. See: Kubernetes.io - Enabling shell autocompletion for more info. CheatsheetA collection of useful commands to use throughout the exercises: $ kubectl api-resources # List resource types
$ kubectl explain <resource> # Show information about a resource
$ kubectl explain deployment
# List resources in cluster
$ kubectl get <resource> # In current namespace
$ kubectl get <resource> -n <namespace> # In specific namespace
$ kubectl get <resource> --all-namespaces # In all namespaces
$ kubectl get <resource> -o wide # Add extended information
$ kubectl get <resource> -o yaml # output in YAML format
$ kubectl get <resource> -o json # output in JSON format
# Example
$ kubectl get pods [-n abc|--all-namespaces] [-o wide|yaml|json]
See: kubectl - Cheat Sheet
for a more extended overview of the Auto-completion |