开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/paulbouwer/hello-kubernetes开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Dockerfile 44.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Hello Kubernetes!This container image can be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. It runs a web app, that displays the following:
Quick startYou can deploy When running through the following examples, ensure that you are in the chart directory in the repo, since you are referencing a local helm chart. cd deploy/helm Example 1: DefaultDeploy the helm install --create-namespace --namespace hello-kubernetes hello-world ./hello-kubernetes
# get the LoadBalancer ip address.
kubectl get svc hello-kubernetes-hello-world -n hello-kubernetes -o 'jsonpath={ .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip }' Example 2: Custom messageDeploy the helm install --create-namespace --namespace hello-kubernetes custom-message ./hello-kubernetes \
--set message="I just deployed this on Kubernetes!"
# get the LoadBalancer ip address.
kubectl get svc hello-kubernetes-custom-message -n hello-kubernetes -o 'jsonpath={ .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip }' Example 3: IngressDeploy the The helm install --create-namespace --namespace hello-kubernetes ingress ./hello-kubernetes \
--set ingress.configured=true \
--set ingress.pathPrefix="/app/hello-kubernetes/" \
--set service.type="ClusterIP" DocumentationDeployingIf you'd like to explore the various Helm chart configuration options, then read the Deploy with Helm documentation. You can also discover more about the ingress configuration options in the Deploy with ingress documentation Building your own imagesIf you'd like to build the Development environmentIf you have VS Code and the VS Code Remote Containers extension installed, the |