开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):ozzieperez/packtpub-library-downloader
开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/ozzieperez/packtpub-library-downloader
开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):
开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):PacktPub Library Downloader
Automatically download all your eBooks and videos. (See: PacktPub Free Daily Book)
python downloader.py -e <email> -p <password> [-d <directory> -b <book assets> -v <video assets>]
Example: Download books in PDF and EPUB formats and accompanying source code
python downloader.py -e hello@world.com -p p@ssw0rd -d ~/Desktop/packt -b pdf,epub,code
Example: Download videos, their cover image, and accompanying source code
python downloader.py -e hello@world.com -p p@ssw0rd -d ~/Desktop/packt -v video,cover,code
Example: Download Integrated Courses (Interactive-Ebooks), their cover image, and accompanying source code
python downloader.py -e hello@world.com -p p@ssw0rd -d ~/Desktop/packt -c course,cover,code
Example: Download everything
python downloader.py -e hello@world.com -p p@ssw0rd -d ~/Desktop/packt -b pdf,epub,mobi,cover,code,info -v video,cover,code -c course,cover,code
Commandline Options
- -e, --email = Your login email
- -p, --password = Your login password
- -d, --directory = Directory to download into. Default is "packtpub_media/" in the current directory
- -v, --videos = Assets to download. Options are: video,cover,code
- -b, --books = Assets to download. Options are: pdf,mobi,epub,cover,code,info
- -c, --courses = Assets to download. Options are: course,cover,code
Video Assets
- video: The video file
- cover: Cover image
- code: Accompanying source code
Book Assets
- pdf: PDF format
- mobi: MOBI format
- epub: EPUB format
- cover: Cover image
- code: Accompanying source code
- info: Creates a JSON file with the title, ISBN, # of pages, and description. (note: it slows downloads)
Course Assets
- course: The interactive ebook (with integrated videos etc.)
- cover: Cover image
- code: Accompanying source code
Tested working on Python 2.7.11 and Python 3.6.0 :: Anaconda 4.3.0 (64-bit)