开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):kernc/logkeys开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/kernc/logkeys开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):C++ 92.6%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):logkeys - a GNU/Linux keyloggerlogkeys is a linux keylogger. It is no more advanced than other available linux keyloggers, notably lkl and uberkey, but is a bit newer, more up to date, it doesn't unreliably repeat keys and it shouldn't crash your X. All in all, it just seems to work. It relies on event interface of the Linux input subsystem. Once completely set, it logs all common character and function keys, while also being fully aware of Shift and AltGr key modifiers. InstallationSee INSTALL for installation/build notes. Usage how-toAbuse the output of this software wisely. logkeys is simple. You can either invoke it directly, by typing full command line, or use the provided scripts. There are two helper programs in this package:
bin/llk runs etc/logkeys-start.sh, and bin/llkk runs etc/logkeys-kill.sh. You can use these two setuid root programs (llk and llkk) for starting and stopping the keylogger quickly and covertly. You can modify the .sh scripts as you like. As the two programs are installed with setuid bit set, the root password need not be provided at their runtime. Default log file is I suggest you first test the program manually with
and in the other terminal follow it with
and see if the pressed keys match to those noted. If you use a US keyboard layout, use -u switch. Make sure your terminal character locale is set to UTF-8
or alternatively, you need en_US.UTF-8 locale available on your system
otherwise you may only see odd characters (like ꑶ etc.) when pressing character keys. logkeys acts as a daemon, and you stop the running logger process with
DocumentationFor more information about logkeys log file format, logkeys keymap
format, and command line arguments, read the application manual, Troubleshootingempty log file or 'Error opening input event device'After you run logkeys successfully, if you open the log file and see only the 'Logging started...' and 'Logging stopped...' tag without any keypress "contents," it is very likely that logkeys got your device id wrong. This may also apply if you get the following error: The solution is to determine the correct event device id, and then run logkeys with --device (-d) switch, specifying that device manually. The procedure for manually learning the device id to use is as follows: As root, for each existing device eventX in /dev/input/, where X is a number between 0 and 31 inclusively, write:
then type some arbitrary characters. If you see any output, that is the device to be used. If you don't see any output, press Ctrl+C and continue with the next device. If this happened to be your issue, please submit a bug report, attaching
your logkeys outputs wrong charactersIt is very likely that you will see only some characters recognized, without any hope for Shift and AltGr working even slightly correct, especially when starting logkeys in X. In that case it is better to switch to virtual terminal, e.g. tty4 (Ctrl+Alt+F4), and there execute:
Then open my_lang.keymap in UTF-8 enabled text editor and manually repair any missing or incorrectly determined mappings. From then on, execute logkeys by
Again, see if it now works correctly (character keys appear correct when you are viewing the log file in editor), and opt to modify bin/llk starter script. If you create full and completely valid keymap for your particular language, please attach it to a new issue. Further informationRead the man page. Please read the whole man page. Thanks. :-) Refer to troubleshooting and FAQ sections in the docs, for currently known issues, ways to resolve them, and any other information. Report any bugs and request reasonable features on the issues list. When opening new issues, always provide a good summary and description. ContributeYou are more than welcome to implement unreasonable features yourself, as well as hack the program to your liking. If you have suggestions, or are a pr0 and can answer any of the questions in the source, please contribute:
Licenselogkeys is dual licensed under the terms of either GNU GPLv3 or later, or WTFPLv2 or later. It is entirely your choice! See COPYING for further information about licensing. |