所有文件均包含【俄文/拉丁文/希腊文/日文(片假/平假)】,并已针对西班牙语Ññ优化。 All files include [Russian / Latin / Greek / Japanese (Piece / Platform)] and are optimized for Spanish Ññ.
字符越多,占用越大,所以应尽量选择更少的字符集。 The more characters there are, the larger the footprint, so try to choose as few character sets as possible.
Unity localization process
If Mono backend uses dnSpy to modify the text in Assembly-CSharp.dll.
If the il2cpp backend uses MetaDataStringEditor to modify the text in global-metada.dat.
Use UnityEX or UABE to extract and modify the text (if any) in the TextAsset file in the game resource pack.
*Run the game to see the effect. If the display is normal, the following operations are not required. *
Use UnityL10nTool to view the font name and format in the game.
Use UnityEX to extract and replace the UnityDefaultFont (usually a * .ttf file).
*If there is no TMP or NGUI font, the following operations are not required. *
NGUI uses BMFont to make new fonts.
TMP uses the version of the Unity3D engine that goes with the game to make new fonts.
5. Use UnityEX to find the Path ID # of Material, Texture2D, and MonoBehavior for the replaced font. (The first two types use Search Name mode to search, MonoBehavior needs to use Search Text mode to search)
6. Find the corresponding three files according to Path ID # in UABE, and select Dump-json to export.
7. Export the produced new font in [5, 6] mode, and modify the json file according to the contents of the tutorial.
8. Import the modified new font json back to the resource package and save it.