开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):wh200720041/intensity_slam开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):https://github.com/wh200720041/intensity_slam开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):C++ 97.8%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Intensity-SLAMIntensity-Assisted Simultaneous Localization And MappingThis is an implementation of paper "Intensity-SLAM: Intensity Assisted Localization and Mapping for Large Scale Environment" paper Wang Han, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 1. Prerequisites1.1 Ubuntu and ROSUbuntu 64-bit 18.04. ROS Melodic. ROS Installation 1.2. Ceres SolverFollow Ceres Installation. 1.3. PCLFollow PCL Installation. 1.4. Trajectory visualizationFor visualization purpose, this package uses hector trajectory sever, you may install the package by
Alternatively, you may remove the hector trajectory server node if trajectory visualization is not needed 2. Build2.1 Clone repository:
2.2 Download test rosbagDownload KITTI sequence 05 or KITTI sequence 07 Unzip compressed file 2011_09_30_0018.zip. If your system does not have unzip. please install unzip by
And this may take a few minutes to unzip the file
3.3 Launch ROS
4.AcknowledgementsThanks for A-LOAM and LOAM(J. Zhang and S. Singh. LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time) and LOAM_NOTED. 5. CitationIf you use this work for your research, you may want to cite